More Fennel


Sometimes I wonder if I should bother posting “recipes” that are super easy and barely require any effort at all. Many of the blogs I read include out of this world, totally involved recipes and techniques, and really I just didn’t want readers to be thinking, “duh, that’s easy” when reading my thrown together creations.  After thinking those thoughts for awhile, I remembered how busy so many bloggers and readers are and how I appreciate quick, delicious, and healthy meals, no matter how simple they are!

So with that in mind, I bring you a delicious, refreshing salad or between course palate cleanser that we had prior to our sushi dinner tonight.

The ingredients: (serves 2)

1 bulb fennel with the top cut off and tough, outer layer removed

1 apple

1/4 cup Jacob’s Creek Riesling

1/2 TSP grainy mustard

1 TSP olive oil

Very simple, just finely chop the apples and fennel, mix together the wine, mustard and oil. Top the fennel/apple mixture with the dressing. Let sit for about 5 minutes, and you are ready to eat.

This little salad is SO crunchy with that subtle hit of licorice from the fennel and a lovely sweetness from the apple. I could easily see this being served as a salad before or after a meal of fish or chicken. I could even see omitting the mustard, adding in some honey, and having this as a light dessert in the summer!




Do you ever feel like one of your blog posts is too simple to share?

Tags: apples, fennel, recipe, salad, Vegetarian

  1. Abby’s avatar

    I love simple recipes… I feel like they’re something I can handle! This looks so yummy!


  2. Christine @ FRESH LOCAL AND BEST’s avatar

    I often think some of my posts are too simple to share, sometimes I supplement simple recipes with stories. I’ll have to try marinating fennel with riesling someday.


  3. sophia’s avatar

    Ooh, have you ever made fennel into a soup? With red pepper flakes and tomatoes…it’s awesome! 🙂


  4. Clarice’s avatar

    I like reading simple recipe posts because they often give me a dinner or lunch idea I might not think of on my own.


  5. Simply Life’s avatar

    I used to be hesitant to share simple, repeated or “mess-up” recipes and found that those are always the ones I get the most comments on! so now I just go with it!


  6. RunToTheFinsih’s avatar

    are you kidding I can’t do half the recipes, so I love simple!!


  7. Diana’s avatar

    I do feel like I have to avoid the “simplicity” trap at time. So much so, I’ve have writer’s block for a little over 2 weeks now. Any suggestions?


  8. Isabella’s avatar

    Looks great! I just found your blog and I love it! Keep up the great pictures and recipes!


  9. leslie’s avatar

    i actually love the simplicity of this recipe. i don’t know why i haven’t thought to pair fennel and white wine! love the idea.


  10. Kelly’s avatar

    I would say every recipe I share is so easy…haha but truthfully I may be impressed by great recipes on blogs but I only ever try the easy ones. Just me though 🙂


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