Wanting to DO Something

Tonight’s post was going to be about travel pet peeves. Having flown quite a bit and doing so 6 times in 2 weeks this January, I definitely have a list of things that make my blood boil, and I will share it at some point soon. But there have been bigger things on my mind than my seatmate breaking out a container of salmon at 30,000 feet. (happened on Monday’s flight from Scottsdale to Boston btw).

The news from Haiti this week has been unavoidable. Even if you don’t follow many news sources, or like me, sometimes try to avoid all of the bad news out there, you really can’t miss the photos of the thousands of lives lost, children orphaned, already wobbly infrastructure destroyed, food and medicine supplies nonexistent. And yet, things like this are happening every day, all over the world. It might be easy to blame other governments, dictators, armies, or leaders, but at the end of the day there are people all over, in my city and 3,000 miles away alike, who are suffering in unimaginable ways. When things like job frustration or a late train seem like the end of the world, I wish I was better at remembering this. Not to say that it is not okay for us all to be frustrated or upset with things that disappoint us because it is only human nature to feel these things. As I mentioned way back in my entry for the Stonyfield Na-Moo-Ste contest, I hope to make one of the themes of my 30’s giving back and inspiring others to give and get involved with whatever cause means something to them, but to DO something.  In that spirit, I am pledging today to donate .50 per blog comment up to $50 to the American Red Cross for their efforts in Haiti or wherever it may be most needed around the world. Donating per comment might look like a good trick for me to increase blog traffic, but really I feel like there are so many positive, world changing ways that we can use the blog community and fundraising is just one of them. 🙂 I could also definitely use blog traffic hehe.

How do you use the blogging community to promote positive changes around you?

If you have any interest, please check out other charities I am involved in at the moment:

The ALLY Foundation


Greater Boston Food Bank

Also, a very belated announcement: the winner of the Skin MD Natural giveaway is Christine at Fresh Local and Best! This product has stood up to the whipping, wintry winds of Massachusetts as well as the dry desert air of Arizona and has helped with the worst of my dry, itchy skin! Christine, please email me with your contact details!

I am leaving for Ireland tomorrow, but I have a great lineup of guest posters and will be posting from time to time myself. Happy almost Friday to you all and thanks a million for reading and commenting! I love reading every single comment and email I receive!

  1. Raija’s avatar

    Great idea! I’ve been fascinated by the increase in text message donating going on right now…I wonder if it will create a sort of revolution in fundraising for organizations. I donated to the Red Cross through text yesterday.


  2. MarathonVal’s avatar

    Great idea Meghan, thanks for doing this! I just wish I could comment more than once!


  3. Kelly’s avatar

    Yay it’s letting me comment. I think this is a great idea, it’s hard to watch without wanting to do something to help, I agree.

    Thanks for the restaurant recap below, I may have to check out that place when I am in Arizona next month, it sounds delicious!


    1. admin’s avatar

      Cowboy Ciao was really good! We also ate at the Estate House which was okay. I just had pasta but the people who had the filet mignon and pork options absolutely loved it. I am not lying when I say that Old Scottsdale was packed with restaurants!


    2. Meghan’s avatar

      Awesome idea! The footage from there is just so sad.


      1. admin’s avatar

        I totally had a sob fest on the elliptical at the gym, so sad. They were already in such poor shape. . .


      2. rebecca’s avatar

        oh what a great idea, I donated to the red cross, love this hugs Rebecca


      3. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

        Haha travel pet peeves–looking forward to them. I’m doing my good deed for today and increasing your blog traffic 🙂

        BTW, who won the namooste giveaway!?! I so wanted that!


      4. Kirsten’s avatar

        Have a blast in Ireland! Great story re Salmon – people are funny.
        I donated to the Red Cross for Haiti, I feel awful for them.


      5. caitlin’s avatar

        lovely idea to donate to the red cross!


      6. High/Low’s avatar

        Have a wonderful trip to Ireland Meghan! We’ve already donated to the Red Cross through my husband’s company because they are matching all employee donations . Great idea on using your blog for exposure on the Haiti crisis and how we can help.


      7. Lauren’s avatar

        I’m so glad bloggers are doing this!!


        1. admin’s avatar

          Thanks for commenting!


        2. Tina’s avatar

          I saw your husbands comment on the GunBun Facebook page and had to check out your blog and make a comment… That’s a great way to give back.


          1. admin’s avatar

            Thanks for commenting! We love GunBun!!


          2. Jess (A Fete For Food)’s avatar

            What a great idea. I’m using my blog to rustle up support for Boston.

            How’s the running going?


          3. Lara (Thinspired)’s avatar

            Is it too late to comment?! I meant to comment yesterday but RT instead and forgot to click over myself 😉
            I think this is wonderful what you are doing. You’ve got me thinking I need to DO something, too!


            1. admin’s avatar

              Definitely not too late! I haven’t reached 100 comments yet so there is still room for commenters before I make the donation!


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