Guest Post: Be Fit Be Full

Hi all! This is Meg from Be Fit. Be Full. I am excited to be doing a guest post for Meghan. Having lived in Boston for seven years, I love reading her blog because she reminds me what a wonderful city Boston is! Although I will admit that the first year I lived in Boston it took me a quite a while to get used to the cold. In fact, my husband (then boyfriend) and I considered escaping to somewhere warm and moving to San Diego. We traveled there for a week to get a feel for the city, and it was there that I had my first fish taco. It turned out that San Diego wasn’t for us, so we stayed in Boston and enjoyed the next six years there despite the frigid air 🙂

At least during that trip I learned that fish tacos were for me!

The other night, I decided to make fish tacos myself for the very first time.

I used this recipe as an inspiration.

I began with the following ingredients.


Cabbage, tomatoes, scallions, cilantro, tilapia, lime, and flour tortillas. Somehow the avocado missed the photo 🙂

First I mixed the cabbage, tomato, scallions and cilantro in a large bowl.


Then I added 1 tbsp oil, 2 tbsp fresh lime juice, and ¼ tsp of salt and mixed well.


Next up was preparing the pound of tilapia.


I heated 2 tsp of oil in a nonstick skillet, sprinkled the fish with chili powder and salt, and added the fish to the pan.


I love how quickly tilapia cooks! About 3-5 minutes each side.


While the tilapia was cooking, I heated up the tortillas in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil.

I warmed them up for 2 minutes per side.

Lastly I chopped the tilapia up, scooped it onto two tortillas, and topped it off with the cabbage mixture


While the recipe didn’t call for avocado, I thought it would be a great addition to fish tacos!


And what a great addition it was!


This was a quick & tasty meal and made me think of summertime and the beach. It was a nice change from all the soups and winter dishes I’ve been eating 🙂

Many thanks for letting me do a guest post Meghan!

Tags: Food, recipe

  1. Jillian (back to the nest)’s avatar

    Oh my god these look amazing. I may have an outrageous obsession with fish tacos…best thing ever.


  2. Sook @ My Fabulous Recipes’s avatar

    I LOVE fish tacos too! So healthy and so filling too! Yum!


  3. megan’s avatar

    Tilapia- yes, why didn’t I think of it before? My husband and are trying to give up eating large species of fish for ethical environmental reasons but have been having a dilemma- what to do about fish tacos? Ahh.. the land based sustainably raise tilapia.



  4. Jessica Lee’s avatar

    looks delicious. i have never had fish tacos before but have always been curious to try. they’re always battered and fried so i stay away from them but this healthy at home version is definitely worth a shot. thanks meg!


  5. Heather @ (The Single Dish)’s avatar

    These look great! I have never made them either, might have to try that soon!


  6. Kelly’s avatar

    This looks delicious. I’ve never actually had fish tacos, but I love fish so I am guessing that I would like them. Thanks for the recipe!


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