Friday Foodie Feature

Happy Friday! While I am working a half day, then getting ready to head to Ireland, I wanted to share a post from Gina of the blog Simply Life. Gina makes amazing food, it seems like every single day that she has gorgeous photos and recipes posted! She is also a runner and an overall super sweet and interesting blogger.


What is your favorite thing about blogging?

I’ve always loved to cook, eat, and find new recipes but blogging has turned this common activity into something even more special that I can remember for more than a day or two and and am also able to share with others!

Least favorite?

Learning all the new things about computers, layouts, HTML view, etc! I’ve never been one who uses the computer for much more than checking email, Word documents and reading the news but blogging has challenged me to learn MUCH more than that!Ā  I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to learn so much already, I just know I have a far way to go and not enough time šŸ™‚

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

My post about homemade tapas has been my favorite!Ā  Spanish tapas are one of our favorite types of food but I’ve always been too intimidated to try making them on my own.Ā  Although I still think that many restaurants prepare tapas better, I loved being able to learn the basics and the chance to enjoy some of our favorite foods at home!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

Great question!Ā  I hope it’s a bit more organized – I keep adding new categories and haven’t quite figured out how I want to arrange everything since I never really know what the next change in my blog will be!Ā  I also hope that I learn a lot more about blogging and that Simply Life reflects that šŸ™‚

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

That I definitely don’t photograph or blog about everything I eat!Ā  I most often post about dinners we’ve made at home or eaten out, but often times if we’re with company I don’t bring my camera, and I also don’t think people are too interested in the nights where our dinner instructions include “opening the can of soup and heating it up on the stove!”Ā  šŸ™‚

Also, I always truly read and appreciate EVERY comment on my blog and get so excited to hear people’s responses and to be able to start learning about new blogs and foods that are out there!

Thank You Meghan for allowing me to participate in this!Ā  Your blog has definitely been a great influence on places we try, trips we’d love to take and wines we need to taste! šŸ™‚

Interested in being featured as a Friday Foodie Feature? Email me at traveleatlove2009 at hotmail dot com with your responses to the above questions and a photo of your choice. Spread the word!

Tags: blogger, blogs, Food, foodie

  1. Jessica @ Dairy Free Betty’s avatar

    Yay!! Awesome post ladies!! You are both inspirational!! šŸ™‚



  2. Simply Life’s avatar

    Thanks for featuring me!


  3. The Candid RD’s avatar

    Great post Gina! I have the same goal as you for the year, get my blog organized! It’s a must. Right now I have a bunch of random categories on my side-bar, but I want them to be more organized and maybe themed. Plus I just need a new look. I’m tired of mine!

    I also hope to do more “From scratch” meals, and new ethnic foods like your tapas and Indian foods! I need to step outside the box more.


  4. Nicole, RD’s avatar

    Glad Gina directed her readers over here, I look forward to following! I’ll have to check out that tapas post of yours! I want to get more organized on my blog, too. I’m trying to keep things simple because I’d rather put the time into reading others blogs and writing, of course. Oh, and research! : ) I hate learning crazy computer stuff, too. I get really frustrated when I can’t figure something out. Posting would take a fraction of the time that it does if I knew what I was doing!


  5. Mary Poppins in Heels’s avatar

    I love reading Simply Life (and am not at all surprised that I enjoyed this post) and now am adding TravelEatLove to my reading list!


    1. admin’s avatar

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I love Simply Life too!


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