Sur la Table Giveaway

Welcome to! I am so glad that you found me! I owe the launch of this new, self-hosted site to my husband who tirelessly and patiently worked on the many issues that came along with the transfer. He is in fact working on his own guest post that might help any of you who are thinking of becoming self-hosted.

Last night we worked together to edit small errors that occurred when transferring posts over. When I went to bed, I had about a month of posts left, and I was a little disappointed that we were having trouble importing all of the awesome comments you have made!

But when I woke up this morning. . . it was all done! He stayed up until 2:30 to finish it. I have a few things I am working on to enhance the site, but I am ready to launch!

To celebrate the launch, I am doing a $30 Sur la Table gift card giveaway so that one of my lucky readers can treat herself (or himself!) to something new for the kitchen this holiday season. Without all of you, the site that keeps me sane wouldn’t be possible and certainly wouldn’t be as much fun!

To enter:

1) If you have a blog, please mention that I have moved to and that I am doing this giveaway.

2) If you have Twitter, give me a tweet!

I am always happy to announce blog moves or URL changes if you have them, so please just let me know. I will announce the giveaway winner next Sunday.

THANK YOU for reading, and I look forward to a lot more travel, food, and wine fun on my new site! πŸ™‚

  1. Simply Life’s avatar

    Congrats! It looks great! You’ll have to let me know if it’s worth it to have your own site!


  2. Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Congrats on the move! But you don’t have the “subscribe to comments” box to check anymore……


  3. Kirsten’s avatar

    Congrats on the move!


  4. Megan’s avatar

    Congrats on moving to your own site! If you want what Mardi was talking about, there is a plugin for comment replies and e-mail followups. The one I have is just called WordPress Thread Comment.


    1. admin’s avatar

      Thank you! I didn’t have a clue how to get the comment replies and email follow ups installed. Still looking through all of the available plug ins!


    2. lynn @ the actors diet’s avatar

      congrats on the move! we just recently switched to a new site too:

      i blogged about your giveaway here:


    3. MarathonVal’s avatar

      Congrats on the move!! πŸ™‚

      I will mention it on my next post – and if I forget (as I am prone to doing), please remind me πŸ™‚


      1. admin’s avatar

        Yay! I am really excited, thanks!


      2. Brittany’s avatar

        Congrats on the move! I am going to put a link on my next post!


        1. admin’s avatar

          Thanks, Brittany! πŸ™‚


        2. Bekah’s avatar

          Yay for such a big transfer! Congrats.
          linking on my blog πŸ™‚


        3. brandi’s avatar

          congrats on the new page!!! What a fun thing to celebrate πŸ™‚


        4. Erin @ Big Girl Eats’s avatar

          Congrats on the move! I’ll be mentioning it in my posts soon and I’ll tweet it!


        5. Julie @savvyeats’s avatar

          I posted about the change/giveaway on the Project Strength page!


        6. Kelly’s avatar

          Congrats on the new site! I wouldn’t know where to start with that process…

          Just to let you know I linked to your new site in my post tonight, I hope that helps!


        7. Kristen’s avatar

          I linked to your new site here:

          Congrats on becoming self hosted!


          1. admin’s avatar

            Thank you!!


          2. Shelly Borrell’s avatar

            Congrats to you!!! Whew πŸ™‚ Growing pains bring great accomplishments. Good luck with all. Chow Ciao, Nibbles of Tidbits.


            1. admin’s avatar

              Pains indeed πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by!


            2. Alta’s avatar

              Congrats on the move! And kudos to your husband for making it happen. I can imagine the amount of hours it would take to do all of that! (Why I haven’t moved my blog to self-hosted yet!)


              1. admin’s avatar

                It almost didn’t happen! I told him to forget about it several times but he kept on truckin πŸ™‚


              2. Sami’s avatar

                Congratulations! That is truly something to be proud of πŸ™‚ I’m a fervent follower! I blogged about your move, here, too!:


              3. Shelly @ Experimental Culinary Pursuits’s avatar

                Congrats! I’ve been wanting to self host as well, but the thought of transferring everything over (and my very obvious lack of technical skills) has made the idea seem so daunting! It would be great to get some advice from your husband!


              4. Gina’s avatar

                Woot woot, you’re own domain, congratulations!!


              5. Kimberly’s avatar

                Congrats on the move! I gave you a tweet (@kimmyjahnke)!


              6. Clarice’s avatar

                I tweeted @cbrazas, look for a blog mention later today.


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