December 2009

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I don’t mean physically, though flexibility is an important part of overall fitness and feeling good. I find that I am constantly having to be flexible with things in life, especially with workouts, and especially in winter. This is the time of year where the forecast becomes important in my week’s plan. Will my run to the gym (with my bag filled with dry work clothes) be ruined by freezing rain? Will I end up working an hour late, making me far too hungry for a post-work trip to the gym?

This week, like all others has required  some flexibility on my part. First off, I did not sleep Sunday night which meant that the extra hour to sleep and putter around the house, rather than go to the gym on Monday, made a world of difference in how my day went. But I knew that I could not do the workout I planned for Monday on Tuesday because I need to vote in the Massachusetts primary to choose a new Senator to replace Senator Kennedy. 🙁

My workouts for the week are below. There is no doubt in my mind that there will be changes in the plan, but I thought I would share my progress with you. I promise to let you know when things get mixed up a little!

Saturday- 6 mile run with my new bloggy friends

Sunday- 1.5 hours of dog walking, very easy yoga stretching while listening to a variety of Silent Night renditions, very peaceful.

Monday- 5 miles on the elliptical at 7:20/mile(!!) plus .5 of a mile at a level 11 incline, 30 second plank pose, 3 times

Tuesday- Rest and VOTE!

Wednesday- 30 minute hill workout, elliptical or outside depending on weather, 25 minutes of power yoga for Project Strength

Thursday- 75 minutes power yoga

Friday- Off

Saturday- 7 mile run

Last week I wrote about the importance of rest days, and I find flexibility is just as important in staying healthy, maintaining your life while training for a distance event, and feeling good about the training you are doing.

Hopefully my workout tips help! Have you had to be flexible with your workouts? What are the biggest reasons, and how do you handle it?

Tags: running, training, workout

Last night before going grocery shopping, I took stock of all of the fresh ingredients that we had, apples, chestnuts, butternut squash, walnuts, and decided that I wanted to make a roast chicken with cornbread stuffing.

Not feeling like driving to Brookline for Trader Joe’s, we went to our local Dorchester Shaw’s which was total chaos! I quickly grabbed as many items on our list as possible, but my plans were foiled when we arrived in the poultry section. There were no free range chickens available. I have not been too into meat lately, but in an effort to add protein to my diet and to create meals that last for a couple of days, I thought a roasted chicken would be a good option. I have become more and more disgusted by factory farming, however, and with last week’s report that a large number of supermarket chicken brands were contaminated with salmonella, my roast chicken and stuffing quickly morphed into a one pot vegetarian wonder, autumn harvest stuffing with vegetarian sausage for protein. My family makes a real sausage stuffing, and the flavors are so good together, I figured it would taste just as good  vegetarian.


1 cup roasted chestnuts

1 cup chopped apple

1 cup chopped, roasted butternut squash

½ cup toasted walnut pieces

1 cup chopped carrots

2 cups cubed corn bread

¼ cup finely chopped red onion

10 Morningstar sausage links, chopped into small pieces

½ TSP each sage, cinnamon, cayenne pepper

Pinch of fresh ground pepper and sea salt


I started out the meal by cutting the butternut squash into cubes and scoring the chestnuts with a sharp knife. Then I left those both to roast at 405 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Then I got to chopping the carrot, apple, onion, veggie sausage and cornbread.




I got the apple, walnuts, sausage, and carrots started on a low flame, mixed with a couple of teaspoons of olive oil.


When the carrots were slightly softened, I added in the chopped cornbread and stirred it in, allowing it to soak up some of the juices that the apples and carrots made. Then I added all of the spices.

The last step was to add the crumbled chestnuts and chopped butternut squash.

The result was deeeelicious! It had everything we needed in a meal, protein, veggies, and carbs and even more than that it had a great sweet, spicy, and savory blend of favorites that tasted like autumn. Hubby mentioned this would be great served with turkey, and I agree, but it made a good one pot dinner in itself. Easy to clean up!

I had a hard workout at the gym today, so I am looking forward to some blog reading and Gossip Girl tonight. Thanks to all of you who announced my new site on your blogs or on Twitter. Looking at my traffic was a little discouraging, but since the new site was just made live yesterday I guess I should be patient!

Good night blog friends! 🙂

Tags: Food, recipes, Vegetarian

After my great Saturday run, the hubby made me an egg and English muffin sandwich (yum!), and we got in the car for a rainy drive to Newport, RI. We made it in record time with no traffic. Arriving at Newport Vineyards, we saw that the holiday event festivities were in full swing, and I was excited!

First I stopped to snap a photo of the vineyard in the winter. We came here in July for my husband’s birthday; what a difference five months makes! It was neat to see the vines without the leaves.



The wine and food event was held all throughout the Newport Vineyards’ winemaking facility. Once we checked in, we were given souvenir glasses and a map, and we were on our way to tasting.

Newport Vineyards has a lovely tasting room and store with an extensive list of wines available.


Our first stop was in the tent covered wine garden where we sampled a spice-rich cranberry orange chutney with a bit of cream cheese. The flavors were warm and definitely festive!


We tried some Narragansett  Creamery cheeses and cheese spreads including their creamy, spicy Pirate Spread made with salty sea feta, sundried tomatoes, rosemary, and cayenne pepper. We tried Narragansett cheeses at the Coastal Wine Trail Kickoff last summer, and they were even better than I had remembered!

The tent held the white wine tasting area, and as New England wineries are more known for their whites, we had a few tastes here.

I had tried many of these wines during our July visit, but it was fun to taste them again, and it surprised me how much I liked their “In the Buff” un-oaked Chardonnay.


We moved on to the tank room where the reds were being tasted, and I enjoyed a taste of the sweet Bellevue Blush which would make a delicious dessert wine or aperitif, and the Cabernet Franc, which was a bit peppery, a characteristic I really enjoy in wine.

The tank room also offered one of my favorites, Cabot Cheese. Once past the Cabot Cheese table, we encountered this:


Aquidneck Island Apiaries had a beautiful display of their pure, local, pesticide free honeycomb and honey. Yum.

As we made our way around the room, we tried light, crispy, spicy/sweet candied pecans from The Purple Pear of Providence. I tried the delightfully zingy ginger which would be amazing on a salad. . . or eaten by the handful. Don’t you just love ginger?

Our final food stop of the afternoon was at Aimee’s Bakin’, a baked goods table that benefitted the American Cancer Society. We tried and purchased creamy peanut butter fudge and peanut butter cup brownies which came in handy on the ride home and later while watching the snow fall 🙂

My final wine tastes of the event were at the dessert/sparkling wine station where I thoroughly enjoyed the 2003 Brut Sparkling Wine and the White Cap Port which sort of tasted like Welch’s grape juice.

On our way home, we decided to stop in New Bedford to pick up our wine club purchases from Travessia Urban Winery. I didn’t get any photos yesterday, but if you would like to see some you can visit my post from the summer wine club event.  I was particularly excited to stop by Travessia because they launched their first red, a Pinot Noir, the night before. Travessia’s Pinot Noir further solidified one thing that we already knew: that they make REALLY good wine. Marco, the winemaker and owner of Travessia, told us that the Pinot would be even better aged, so for now we have it on our wine rack and will likely open it around my birthday in March. I can’t wait! Marco recommended a few places for us to eat lunch in New Bedford, and we walked right next door to the winery to eat at Ginger Grill, a new Korean restaurant. I had a scrumptious curry full of vegetables, potatoes, and a mildly spicy sauce that warmed me right up inside. The staff was very friendly, and the prices were reasonable. It seems as though downtown New Bedford really has a lot of great places to visit and events going on!

A beautiful day ended with a relaxing evening eating the brie from Gypsy Kitchen and drinking a glass of Chateau St. Michelle bubbly while watching the snow fall.

I am off to do some yoga for runners and to maybe do some baking.

Have a great Sunday evening, and don’t forget to enter my Sur la table giveaway!

And if you need a good laugh, check out this funny Christmas tree video. Makes me laugh every time, but maybe its because I am from New Jersey 🙂

Tags: Food, giveaway, New England, wine

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