December 2009

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Brrrrr. Can I just say brrrr? I can not remember being this cold in a VERY long time. I am home from my office holiday party at the Algonquin Club, and it was beautifully delicious. I am, however, not feeling great and glad to be home. Over the course of the party I had a glass of Forestville Cabernet Sauvignon, a bacon wrapped scallop, salad, great roasted vegetables and fresh mozzarella, mushroom ravioli, and some salmon.



Since tomorrow is my first Friday Foodie Feature, I figured I would kick it off by answering the interview questions myself.

How long have you been blogging?

I started blogging on June 1, 2009 so almost 7 months, though it FEELS like I have been at this forever!

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

I work in a Marketing Communications role where I do a lot of copywriting, but it is not necessarily always about things that excite me. Writing about food, wine, travel, and other fun things has allowed me to be creative, kept me looking for new recipes and events to write about, and has allowed me to kind of “let out” some of the thoughts and dreams that I would otherwise neglect on a daily basis due to general life business. In addition to the actual blogging part, I love reading blogs and have met many amazing bloggers over the past few months. If I hadn’t started blogging I would never have found the Healthy Living Summit or the Foodbuzz Festival or the dozens of blogs that I now read.

My least favorite part is just the frustration that sometimes comes with wanting the blog to grow more quickly both in content and in traffic. With so many other things going on, work, volunteering, marathon training, actually cooking, family time, friends time, and husband time,  I don’t get to devote as much time to writing as I would like. But at the end of the day I guess I am happy living more than spending more time writing about living!

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

My favorite posts are definitely my travel posts, especially the ones about Ireland, Spain, Austria, and Napa/Sonoma wine country. I also loved covering the Foodbuzz Festival for my blog, then reading everyone else’s coverage. What a fun way to relive an event!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

Well, I hope that this time next year I will still be blogging, hopefully with a nice big group of readers 🙂 I have done some guest posting lately, and I would love to have more opportunities to guest post on blogs and also to write for other sites or even for print if the opportunity came up.  As you know, I love travel, food, and wine, so really I hope to continue focusing on those things but with other lifestyle things thrown in, like my running and my love of volunteering and charity to keep the blog well rounded and about things that matter to a variety of people. I am also really interested in social media, so I could see myself doing more work in that direction both personally and professionally.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

Just a lot of gratitude! Everyone who reads and comments and shares links to my blog has a part in what its become! I am thankful for all of my readers as well as the kind and generous companies who have sent me samples and giveaway items. I only accept products from companies that I would buy from myself,  so reviewing products is fun and completely easy for me!

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to check in tomorrow for the first featured foodie. Would you like to be featured? Simply answer the questions above in an email and send them along with a photo of your lovely self!

Off to get the Theraflu. . . I guess the whole “marathon training keeps me healthy in winter” theory is officially gone!

Last night, I finally opened the lovely gift sent to me on Friday by Jacob’s Creek.



In addition to a bottle of 2004 St. Hugo Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon, they sent me a lovely wine bottle stopper and recipes for food pairings including a recipe for lobster sliders which I hope to incorporate into our New Year’s Eve seafood feast. The whole package was really beautiful, and it made my week.

We opened the wine while making last night’s dinner and let it breathe on the counter for about 45 minutes. The nose of this wine was of subtle cedar, and the the color a deep, beautiful red. My husband called it a confident wine, and he is right. It would be perfect for a holiday dinner or other special occasion. Flavors of ripe juicy fruit mingle with that same gentle cedar that came from the bottle when opened. I slowly drank two small glasses, enjoying the lingering finish. A very satisfying wine, and one that would probably be even better a year or two for now. I honestly have not purchased Jacob’s Creek wine before, but the St. Hugo Cabernet Sauvignon has me wondering why! Thank you again to Jacob’s Creek for such a great new wine experience!

While sipping on the wine, we put together a last minute meal, starting with an easy side that included one of my favorite all time vegetables: Brussels sprouts!

Whether made in the amazing Namu fashion, a la the Foodbuzz Festival or simply tossed with olive oil, salt, and pepper and roasted as I did last night, I love these green globes of goodness.





I also wanted to make something with shrimp and had a tub of Greek yogurt available, so I pieced together ingredients from a few online recipes with these ingredients and came up with a creamy, garlicky shrimp. I started with a whole lot of garlic, sautéed until golden with olive oil and cracked black pepper.

Then I added cracked coriander seeds, a big spoonful of cumin, a dash of curry, some sea salt, and 1/4 cup of water, thoroughly blending the spices in for a rich, red broth-like liquid.  


I stirred the raw, cleaned shrimp into the mixture and let the shrimp cook until  fully pink. Then I spooned in 1/2 cup of Oikos 0% Greek yogurt. Turning off the heat first, I blended the yogurt into the mix until it was a lovely orange color and a uniform, creamy consistency throughout.


Served with the caramelized, sweet and salty Brussels sprouts and garlic naan, this turned out to be a delightful dish made from some random ingredients I wanted to use up. Next time I would add more spice, maybe some habanero oil, but I really like my food spicy.

Once dinner was done, we started in on the Christmas tree while watching Home Alone 2 and eating leftover cannoli from Joseph’s Bakery in South Boston. I have no idea how they survived in our house so long!

Our tree came out just perfect:


I love turning out the rest of the lights in the house and sitting around with just the white lights of the tree on. What a magical time of year!

Unfortunately, this morning after a killer workout, I started to feel a little eh, and by lunch time I was in the throes of sore throat, congestion, chills, and zero attention span. Off to bed early tonight, hoping to beat this thing before my holiday work party tomorrow and a 9 or 10 mile run Friday night.

Have a great night everyone! Its almost the weekend.

Thanks everyone for your kind comments on my blah Monday! I ended up taking a little nighttime Thera Flu for my sore throat and got a GREAT night’s sleep, best night in weeks. Its amazing what a difference being well rested makes!

Today at work we had our annual Yankee swap, and I won a bottle of Carinena Garnacha, one of the best gifts in the lot, in my opinion, especially because it was brought from Spain by my Barcelona native friend.

Because it was a warm, somewhat humid day, and because my office is 1 million degrees and drier than a desert, I took a nice walk outside to check out the holiday sites. I thought I would share some fun Boston-y things to do around the holidays with you.

My office building decorates beautifully. It is truly a lovely building to begin with, and the staff really does it up for the holidays.


Boston can be a frustrating place to live at times, like any city, but its true magic is brought out around the holidays. The old brownstones are dressed in fresh greens and white lights, and trees glitter from end to end.

Within a few short blocks of my office, which is located in the Park Square area, there are lots of historic buildings like the Arlington Street Church.


With its grand entrance and Tiffany windows, the Arlington Street Church is a must visit for residents and tourists alike.

Nearby, just across the Public Garden and in the middle of the Boston Common lies the Frog Pond skating rink. Lace up a pair of skates, and glide along to the music, day or night. With the twinkling lights of the surround common, you forget you are in a city at all.



Defrost after skating during the day at The Langham Hotel’s Cafe Fleuri Chocolate Bar. Yes, you read that correctly. The Langham Hotel offers a chocolate buffet, an entire room filled with chocolate treats that celebrate the neighborhoods of Boston. It is truly a decadent way to spend an afternoon. I will likely be going to the Chocolate Bar at some point this winter, and a full photo shoot will ensue!

Another great place to thaw out is with a drink at The Oak Room in the Fairmont Copley Plaza. Their grand dining room and lounge are decorated with dark wood and heavy fabrics bringing you to a completely different, more elegant time. A hot chocolate or maybe a hot chocolate with Bailey’s is the perfect way to warm up after a day skating or wandering around the city!

And of course there are holiday teas at many hotels throughout the city. The tea at the Boston Harbor Hotel is my favorite. With ocean views and the option to start your tea with a glass of Veuve Cliquot and strawberries, tea at the Boston Harbor Hotel is relaxed and elegant, complete with scones and clotted cream, tea sandwiches, petit fours and a variety of other sweet treats.  Its a nice place to bring out of town guests for an experience that will truly impress!

Of course, there are many other cities around the world that become pure magic around the holidays.

Magical Vienna

For me, Vienna is the ultimate in holiday charm. A cup of gluwein, the thundering bells of Stefansdom, the lights, evergreen everywhere, and a cozy cafe culture make Vienna my favorite winter city.

Amazing Amsterdam

I have spent New Year’s in Amsterdam, and the holiday season there is incredibly festive, marked by carts everywhere selling olieballen (oil balls), delicious donuts. The often warm-ish temperatures make it a fine time of year to wander around, bundled up providing a beautiful way to burn off the calories from the deep fried treats!

I could probably spend the entire night writing about the holiday season around the world, and I may have a guest poster writing about this very topic in the weeks to come so stay tuned!

I have two questions of the day:

Do you have a favorite city/place to spend the holidays in, and why is it your favorite?

Do you have a dream experience that you would just love to blog about?

I was daydreaming about this today, and mine would be to live and work at a winery for several days to see everything that goes on from the winemaking to the special events.

Don’t forget to check out my latest guest post on the Plummelo blog:

Tags: holidays, Travel

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