December 2009

You are currently browsing the monthly archive for December 2009.

Welcome to! I am so glad that you found me! I owe the launch of this new, self-hosted site to my husband who tirelessly and patiently worked on the many issues that came along with the transfer. He is in fact working on his own guest post that might help any of you who are thinking of becoming self-hosted.

Last night we worked together to edit small errors that occurred when transferring posts over. When I went to bed, I had about a month of posts left, and I was a little disappointed that we were having trouble importing all of the awesome comments you have made!

But when I woke up this morning. . . it was all done! He stayed up until 2:30 to finish it. I have a few things I am working on to enhance the site, but I am ready to launch!

To celebrate the launch, I am doing a $30 Sur la Table gift card giveaway so that one of my lucky readers can treat herself (or himself!) to something new for the kitchen this holiday season. Without all of you, the site that keeps me sane wouldn’t be possible and certainly wouldn’t be as much fun!

To enter:

1) If you have a blog, please mention that I have moved to and that I am doing this giveaway.

2) If you have Twitter, give me a tweet!

I am always happy to announce blog moves or URL changes if you have them, so please just let me know. I will announce the giveaway winner next Sunday.

THANK YOU for reading, and I look forward to a lot more travel, food, and wine fun on my new site! 🙂

Happy Saturday, friends! I hope you are having a good day. We have had a series of great days this week. I can not even tell you how much I enjoyed writing yesterday’s Craigie on Main post and reliving the experience. And, the post made it to Boston’s Where the Locals Eat! Hearing that was definitely an exciting way to start a Saturday.

Speaking of great ways to start a Saturday, I met with Allison and Elina for a 6 mile run this morning, and it felt great! I always get nervous before long runs, but having fun people to run with makes all of that go away. I am not tired or sore at all, so I am feeling good about my marathon training thus far.

Last night I snuck out of work a little early (shhh) and met the hubs for drinks and appetizers at Masa. They have great happy hour Southwestern tapas, ten for $10. I started with a habanero watermelon margarita. Holy yum! It started out sweet and finished with a fiery spice in the back of the mouth. It was really fun to drink and went well with our little appetizers which included a fire roasted sweet corn taco and a queso fundido jalapeno empanada. Everything was so good that we went for a second round 🙂

It was still early when we finished our appetizers, so we decided to head to Bin Ends to pick up our fine wine flea market orders. On the way home, we decided to stop at Gypsy Kitchen in Quincy. My friend Meghan has been telling us about Gypsy Kitchen for years, and I can not even believe I waited until now to go! It is a beautiful gourmet and wine shop with all sorts of things like olives, cheese, and crostini in addition to the wines. The owner was doing a tasting of cheese, wine, and her homemade hot sauce, gypsy juice, so we joined in.

Brie by SimonDoggett.


We tasted some really interesting wines including a festive sparkling shiraz and a decadent chocolate port. Along with the wines, we tried the gypsy juice which is incredibly delicious and spicy, even for me, who can handle the heat. I am dipping crackers in a little bowl of it as I write this, and I am sweating! We also sampled a runny, gooey double creme brie which we ended up buying as well. We passed on buying any wine as we made quite a few purchases at Bin Ends, but with such a great selection and a passionate, knowledgeable owner, plus so many great recommendations from my friend, I know that it won’t be long until we return. If you live in the Boston area, it is definitely worth a trip down to Quincy. If you don’t live in the area, there is an online shop, Dr. Hot Online Store, and they also have a recipe blog.

Everyone is talking about snow tonight, but we haven’t seen it here in Boston yet. We spent the day wine tasting, first in Newport and then at Travessia in New Bedford, and now we are in for the night. I am ready to sip on some wine, watch Christmas movies, and work on formatting blog posts on It is a little bit behind in posts, and for some reason, the posts are scrambled, but it will be ready soon, and I am REALLY excited!

Have a great night everyone, stay warm and safe on those wet and slippery roads!

Tags: Boston, Food, wine

Yes, the title of this post is 100% true. After a year of their being opened, hubs and I finally made it to Craigie on Main right outside of Kendall Square in Cambridge. I had a meeting with, where I will be guest blogging twice a month (check out my first post:, and since Craigie was close by and it was Thursday night, we decided to make a reservation. Highly recommended to do so.

Upon arrival at Craigie on Main, we were seated at the most perfect table, all the way in the back corner. Romantic, but also ideal for a shy food blogger who HATES taking photos of food in public. I want to have them; I don’t like feeling like a weirdo, and I am afraid I may get yelled at!

I started the evening with a champagne cocktail, the Tavern Sparkler, which was made of the following:

Medicinal Spiced Elixir
cider, Becherovka, honey, Champagne

Definitely medicinal after a rushed afternoon, and delicious, this drink was the perfect way to start an autumn meal. It tasted of sweet honey and spicy cider and a slight hint of effervescence from the champagne.


My dining companion had a Piraat Amber Tripel IPA which was delicious but not as good as the beer he had later in the evening. Keep reading to find out. . .

The menu at Craigie offers a long list of tempting, local creations.



As you can see Craigie locally sources just about everything from places like Verrill Farm. They make their menu after buying their ingredients, ensuring the freshest food possible. Unable to decide on meals, we opted for a six course tasting menu and the staff at Craigie were very happy to accommodate my no venison, no beef, no lamb, no rabbit request. Apparently all of those proteins were options though, showing the breadth of dishes one can try at Craigie.

Our first course was an amuse bouche of three seafood delights.


The middle dish is a monkfish liver, and the one on the right is crispy brandade de morue with squid ink. I can not remember what the dish on the left was, except completely delicious, I want more of it.

Next up, Hiramasa sashimi with red onion shiso salsa, avocado, and harissa-rose vinaigrette.


I loved this dish. The bite of the onion, the creaminess of the avocado, and the perfect fish was subtly spiced with the harissa vinaigrette. It was light and flavorful.

Then there were the grilled monkfish cheeks.


Grrrr I wish there weren’t shadows on these photos. I’m trying. Maybe someday I will make the Foodbuzz Top 9. The monkfish was meaty with a nice grill flavor. The portion was small but because of the complexity of flavors, could have easily been an entree of its own. I was starting to get full. . .

I think it was at this point that I finished my cocktail and requested a wine pairing. Our outstanding server brought me a glass of 2007 Grüner Veltliner ‘Lois’, a nearly clear Austrian wine with an acidity that went very well with the richness of the seafood. We often think of seafood as lighter, but as the meal progressed, we definitely had some very substantial fish dishes. The wine stood up to them without overcoming their flavors. This wine exemplified the elegance and flavor of the Austrian wine that we tried in Vienna, wine that was beautiful and strong, like many things Austria has to offer. . .

The hubs ordered another beer, a Foret, which was like champagne. No, not like the champagne of beers. Like real champagne, with a beautiful bubbly, yeasty  nose.

But there was no time to be full because this came next.


Collar of a fish whose name I can not remember (sorry!) with a salty, messy, sticky miso laced sauce. Our server made sure we had plenty of bread prior to this course, and now I know why. We wanted to mop up every drop of the sauce!

Think we were done after that? Not quite yet. Our next dish was

Ragoût of Local Forest Mushrooms, House-Made Rabbit Sausage, Hakurei Turnips and Romanesco
farm-fresh egg, Macomber turnip purée, herbs

Now, I said no rabbit, but there was sausage, I ate it, and I liked it. The star, however, was the runny poached egg, which the chef recommended we pierce and stir with the rest of the dish.



This may have been my favorite part of the entire meal. A farm fresh egg makes such a huge difference. With the crisp radish, earthy mushrooms, and ooey gooey egg yolk, this dish was both rustic and elegant.

We weren’t done yet.

Our final savory course was grilled pork belly with pomegranate arils and a thick apple sauce. Now, I don’t eat pork, and I think I said that, but our final course was accompanied by the famous Chef Tony Maws, and if Chef Maws brings me pork belly, I will at least try it. As it probably is with many of you, renowned chefs to me are bigger than movie stars. The hubs said my face went all white when the chef came out, and I don’t doubt it. There is something incredibly special about a chef and restaurateur who is still on the line
cooking every night. You could taste the artistry in each course, and when he actually came out to acknowledge that we were there and to introduce the dish, well I was so happy that I got a little teary. Weirdo.

As if all of this savory gorgeousness was not enough, we were then brought two little shots of panna cotta, one with jasmine tea and one with rooibos tea and citrus. Creamy with a hint of flavor, these cleared our palates and prepared us for the real dessert that came next. We paired it with a glass of Maury Mas Amiel which our server kindly split for us. This dessert wine was dark red, nearly brown in color, rich and sweet. Splitting it gave us the perfect tasting.



Our server brought us Olive Oil and Taza Chocolate Mousse and Long Island Cheese Pumpkin Parfait. They were both perfect, but the Taza chocolate mousse and olive oil offered an unbelievably rich and smooth treat. The pumpkin parfait offered exquisite fall flavors. I loved being able to taste the squash flavor of the pumpkin along with a little bit of sweetness. Again, perfect portions and balance of flavors.

Craigie is cozy, fancy but completely and utterly unpretentious, and the service is like being at home with extremely knowledgeable foodie and wine enthusiastic friends.  Our dinner was comfortable but really special, not stiff at all but made us feel like we were the guests of honor. It was far better than some meals that we have had at more famous restaurants, and I know we will be back again and again. Maybe we won’t be able to afford six courses each time, but I am certain the bar bites and cocktails offer the same quality, love, and creativity as our meals last night did.

What restaurant do you absolutely drool (or in my case cry) over?

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