Friday Foodie Feature

Welcome to the very first Friday Foodie Feature! After All in Good Food wrote up  a review of my blog, I decided that what my blog really needed was to feature some of the great writers that I read every day! I came up with a few questions, and asked Mardi from Eat, Live, Travel, Write to be my first feature. You can read her great responses below. They are interesting and inspiring!




What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Meeting like minded souls from all over the world.  I also appreciate the fact that my blog is a bit of a creative outlet for me (my refuge from academia!).  I have just embarked on my PhD in Second Language Teaching (part-time) and my blog offers a way for me to keep my creative juices flowing.  Sometimes in academic programmes, we forget how to write when there is no word count.  This is actually one of the reasons I began the blog – to help myself remember how to write in my own natural voice again after 2 years of working on my MA.

Least favorite?

Well it’s not SO much about blogging per se but I just wish there were more hours in the day.  I find the blog takes up quite a bit more time than I originally anticipated (because there is all the “behind the scenes stuff” like reading and commenting on other blogs which is important and necessary to learn more as well as to grow readership).

What has been your most fun blog post to write? Sorry – there are four!

The BLT from scratch “reveal”

or the Foodbuzz 24,24,24 based on our Lao cooking school experience

and recently, a cooking workshop I organised at the school where I teach:

I also can’t NOT mention my amazing Bertolli “On the Menu” experience at the Foodbuzz Blogger Festival in November:

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

I am not sure – everyday brings something new in the blogging world.  I would like to think that I might be writing a column for a respected website or publication or working in collaboration with some more established bloggers so that I can continue to learn and grow my blog.  Anyone want an intern???? 😉

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

Sometimes people are surprised when they come over to dinner and I don’t take a photo.  You know what?  Sometimes you just have to live in the moment and enjoy the eating experience.  There are a lot of food and/or diet blogs out there detailing each and every bite  the blogger eats – I don’t know how they do it.  Since I am fairly new, I do try to post something daily but I think as my readership grows and I have a little band of loyal readers, I will reduce this over the next few months.  There’s a fine balance between posting something worthwhile and posting something just for the sake of it and I don’t think I am quite there yet.  When you look at some of my favourite blogs – Chocolate & Zucchini, David Lebovitz, Steamy Kitchen, Smitten Kitchen, Chez Pim etc.. they are not posting every day.  I hope one day I will have the confidence in my blog to post much less often and be ok with it.
Thanks for reading – please come on over and check out my blog at  I will be travelling in Paris and France over the next two weeks and there are a LOT of very fun food and wine related events planned, including a Foodbuzz 24,24,24 dinner!  You can also follow me on twitter: eatlivtravwrite.
Thanks for having me Meghan!

If you would like to be featured, please email me at!

Tags: bloggers, eat, Food, foodie, live, Travel, write

  1. Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Hey Meghan – thanks so much for having me. This is going to be a great Friday feature to look forward to!


  2. Cat’s avatar

    great interview! i love mardi’s blog – i’ve learned all sorts of fun food-related things from her and she has a great writing voice. not to mention great pictures that leave me longing for macarons, pho, and a good blt!


  3. Marisa @All in Good Food’s avatar

    Meghan, that was a very informative post and I want to thanks you for doing it. As a new blogger I feel that some what I call seasoned bloggers have everything together but its good to know that you guys don’t have all the answers either. I also want to thank Mardi for being so candid in her answers. I started my blog right after I got my BBA to keep honing my writing skills and also because I love cooking and food. This food blogging community is filled with awesome people and I’m glad to be part of it. By the way thanks for the reference to my blog in the beginning. ^_^


    1. admin’s avatar

      Thanks for the idea! I would love to feature you sometime. Trust me, pretty much every other day is an up or down for me with blogging! We put so much of ourselves into it that we want it to succeed, but it takes lots of patience. I wish you the best of luck and am excited to see your progress.


      1. Marisa @All in Good Food’s avatar

        Thanks for all your encouragement. I am flattered you would want to feature me. I would welcome it anytime just let me know.


      2. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg’s avatar

        Cool interview! It’s always interesting to hear others’ thoughts on blogging 🙂


      3. Christine @ FRESH LOCAL AND BEST’s avatar

        I truly enjoyed this interview. I am familiar with Mardi’s blog, but didn’t know half of the details mentioned here. Thanks so much for hosting such a great interview!


      4. Erin @ Big Girl Eats’s avatar

        I love Mardi! Great interview, great ideas! I have to send the email back to you 🙂


      5. Simply Life’s avatar

        Oh what a great idea- I love this and such a fun interview! hope you’re staying warm! 🙂


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