Chickpeas and Chutney

I am often struck with lunchtime boredom and constantly try to mix things up with different ingredients and types of dishes. Looking through our cupboards and refrigerator, I saw that we had a few cans of chickpeas and decided that I wanted a healthy salad. I Googled chickpeas and Greek yogurt, and one of the first sites that came up was my friend Amie’s at The Healthy Apple. Amie has a great curried chickpea salad, so starting with that in mind, I further prowled my kitchen and came up with the following:

1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt (I used Oikos 0%)
small piece of red onion sliced paper thin
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 scoop Trader Joe’s cranberry chutney
shake each of cayenne pepper, garlic powder, Burmese curry powder, and ground black pepper

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I simply combined all of the ingredients together to make a creamy, crunchy salad.

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I took a bite, and the sweetness of the chutney pairs perfectly with the kick of the cayenne. I am looking forward to eating this lunch today and hoping it will be filling enough to power me through a 5 mile elliptical workout!

Tags: Lunch, recipe, salad, Vegetarian

  1. Julie @savvyeats’s avatar

    Yum! I love chickpeas– I think they are one of my new favorite foods!


  2. Simply Life’s avatar

    Oh I love this idea! I usually just use them as a topper on my lunch salads but definitely need to start getting more creative!


  3. Caroline’s avatar

    How lovely this sounds! I really enjoy that chutney from TJ’s and curry is one of the best spices around. Good work!


  4. Mardi@eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Interesting combination!


  5. Jolene (’s avatar

    What a creative and tasty sounding combination!


  6. tastyeatsathome’s avatar

    Great lunch idea! Yum!


  7. Shelly Huang’s avatar

    Never combined Chickpeas with cranberry chutney before! Definitely a must-try!


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