Almost Friday Foodie Feature Day

Brrrrr. Can I just say brrrr? I can not remember being this cold in a VERY long time. I am home from my office holiday party at the Algonquin Club, and it was beautifully delicious. I am, however, not feeling great and glad to be home. Over the course of the party I had a glass of Forestville Cabernet Sauvignon, a bacon wrapped scallop, salad, great roasted vegetables and fresh mozzarella, mushroom ravioli, and some salmon.



Since tomorrow is my first Friday Foodie Feature, I figured I would kick it off by answering the interview questions myself.

How long have you been blogging?

I started blogging on June 1, 2009 so almost 7 months, though it FEELS like I have been at this forever!

What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?

I work in a Marketing Communications role where I do a lot of copywriting, but it is not necessarily always about things that excite me. Writing about food, wine, travel, and other fun things has allowed me to be creative, kept me looking for new recipes and events to write about, and has allowed me to kind of “let out” some of the thoughts and dreams that I would otherwise neglect on a daily basis due to general life business. In addition to the actual blogging part, I love reading blogs and have met many amazing bloggers over the past few months. If I hadn’t started blogging I would never have found the Healthy Living Summit or the Foodbuzz Festival or the dozens of blogs that I now read.

My least favorite part is just the frustration that sometimes comes with wanting the blog to grow more quickly both in content and in traffic. With so many other things going on, work, volunteering, marathon training, actually cooking, family time, friends time, and husband time,  I don’t get to devote as much time to writing as I would like. But at the end of the day I guess I am happy living more than spending more time writing about living!

What has been your most fun blog post to write?

My favorite posts are definitely my travel posts, especially the ones about Ireland, Spain, Austria, and Napa/Sonoma wine country. I also loved covering the Foodbuzz Festival for my blog, then reading everyone else’s coverage. What a fun way to relive an event!

Where do you see your blog this time next year?

Well, I hope that this time next year I will still be blogging, hopefully with a nice big group of readers 🙂 I have done some guest posting lately, and I would love to have more opportunities to guest post on blogs and also to write for other sites or even for print if the opportunity came up.  As you know, I love travel, food, and wine, so really I hope to continue focusing on those things but with other lifestyle things thrown in, like my running and my love of volunteering and charity to keep the blog well rounded and about things that matter to a variety of people. I am also really interested in social media, so I could see myself doing more work in that direction both personally and professionally.

Is there anything else about your blogging experience you would like to share?

Just a lot of gratitude! Everyone who reads and comments and shares links to my blog has a part in what its become! I am thankful for all of my readers as well as the kind and generous companies who have sent me samples and giveaway items. I only accept products from companies that I would buy from myself,  so reviewing products is fun and completely easy for me!

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to check in tomorrow for the first featured foodie. Would you like to be featured? Simply answer the questions above in an email and send them along with a photo of your lovely self!

Off to get the Theraflu. . . I guess the whole “marathon training keeps me healthy in winter” theory is officially gone!

  1. MarathonVal’s avatar

    Great to get to know ya! 🙂

    Hope you are feeling better!!


  2. Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Feel better you! I loved reading this – thanks for answering your own questions.


  3. VeggieGirl’s avatar

    Love the new site! 🙂


  4. Christine @ FRESH LOCAL AND BEST’s avatar

    It’s so nice to learn more about you. It makes sense to learn that you are a copywriter – I enjoy your writing style and it is clear to me you’ve had a lot of practice.


  5. lynn @ the actors diet’s avatar

    loved reading more about you!!!


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