
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Today will obviously be full of eating. We are spending the day ay my uncle’s house with cousins and their kids. There are vegetarians and meat eaters alike, so we will have quite the spread, from potato and cheese pierogies and olive tapenade on crostini to the traditional turkey meal. There will also be lots of wine from our Gundlach Bundschu wine club. Photos will follow! I am thankful for so many things this year, starting with all of my amazing family members, my husband, our cats and our home, our friends, our cabinets full of food, and the opportunities we have had in life. I often look at our cabinets after grocery shopping and am thankful for the fact that we can pretty much eat whatever we want, within reason, and never ever worry about going hungry. We are lucky to be able to travel often and to have had the means and education to get jobs that help us have all of these things, even if said jobs make us uber frustrated at times. 🙂 I am also lucky to have so many opportunities to give back through volunteering and fundraising, and I am always looking to make time to do more. Over the next few months, as part of my Thankful for Thirty posts, I hope to bring to light a variety of causes that I care about and to give them the exposure that I think they deserve. I don’t want to be preachy or overuse my blog as a charity platform, but today’s as good as any day to mention my 2010 Boston Marathon fundraising for The ALLY Foundation: I hope you are all safely where you want to be today and are giving thanks as well. I am certainly thankful for all of you, for the growth of this blog over the last six months, and for the community that it has introduced me to!  Have a great Thanksgiving, and I will be back later stuffed and full of photos!

  1. VeggieGirl’s avatar



  2. Kelly’s avatar

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  3. Jolene (’s avatar

    Happy Thanksgiving – I enjoyed reading about what you are thankful for – very thoughtful sentiment.


  4. Mardi@eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Lovely post Meghan – am thankful for all the new friends I have made this year (like YOU!)


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