Blue Diamond Giveaway Winner

I was cracking open another jar of crunchy Blue Diamond almond butter this morning (my definite favorite!) when I realized that I hadn’t yet announced the winner of the Blue Diamond giveaway! Thank you all for entering! If you haven’t yet, you should definitely check out their site and all of the great, healthy products that they offer. Blue Diamond almond butter has been my favorite in all that I have tried so far, and that’s a pretty wide field! image I apologize for the delay, so without further adieu, the winner is. . . Caroline from Caroline Dines! Congrats, Caroline! Please send me an email to with your contact details so I can pass them on to Blue Diamond. I have another Trader Joe’s-related giveaway coming up sometime later in the week. Stay tuned!

  1. Kelly’s avatar

    Congrats Caroline! I need to try this kind of almond butter at some point 🙂


  2. Jolene (’s avatar

    Congrats to Caroline – you lucky girl!!


  3. Caroline’s avatar

    OH my gosh! I won something 🙂 I can’t believe it since I haven’t ever won on any of these giveaways. Ok I’ll calm down now. Thank you!!!


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