Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese

Is there anything more comforting than tomato soup and grilled cheese? Once again, heirloom tomatoes and Nature’s Pride bread star in my meals!

On a chilly night this week we had roasted heirloom tomato soup with grilled brie and fig sammies on Nature’s Pride 100% whole wheat bread. Yum.

To make the soup, I first took a few beautiful heirloom tomatoes, pierced them with a fork, and put them on a cookie sheet in the oven at 405 degrees until the skin started looking a little bit wrinkly.

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While the tomatoes were roasting, I also cut a Bermuda onion and popped about 1/4 of it in the oven with the tomatoes to bring out some oniony sweetness.


When everything was nice and soft, and the kitchen was smelling amazing, I took the tomatoes and onion out and let them cool enough so that I could work with them without burning myself. While they were cooling, I ran 3 cloves of garlic through the food processor. Then I peeled the tomatoes and popped those and the onion in the food processor. My plan was to also add veggie stock to this, but these were some juicy tomatoes! They actually made a nice soup all on their own. The tomatoes were so fresh and flavorful, that I didn’t even miss that it wasn’t creamy. The key is definitely great ingredients!

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I also added some crushed red pepper flakes for spice. I left the seeds in the tomatoes because I like them, but seeding the tomatoes could definitely be part of the pre roasting process. I would not wait until after as they just fall apart and the seeds infiltrate the whole mess! Alongside this delicious soup, we ate grilled brie and fig sandwiches. Easy as can be, thanks to the Foreman!

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Trader Joe’s triple creme brie and chopped California figs on Nature’s Pride bread. Tossed in the Foreman grill for a few minutes. The combination of sweet figs and gooey, creamy brie with the grainy bread was to die for. It felt like a gourmet meal, and it took about 30 minutes from start to finish. As always, tomato soup and grilled cheese proved to be a comforting, filling, and delicious option.

What grilled cheese combos do you like? Do you enjoy making soup from scratch? I can’t believe how easy, delicious, and healthful it can be!

Tags: cheese, Food, sandwiches, soup, tomatoes

  1. Jessica’s avatar

    That looks FANTASTIC. Never thought to have Brie and fig with tomato soup …


  2. MarathonVal’s avatar

    I’m so jealous of your Heirloom tomatoes!! We grew two plants this year and they only produced TWO tiny, tiny Heairloom tomatoes!


  3. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    Figs and brie together sounds amazing!!! I’m not a big soup person for some reason–maybe I would like it better if it was home made and not from a can (how I usually eat it).


  4. Andrea@WellnessNotes’s avatar

    I love tomato soup and make different versions quite often. Yours sounds amazing! And brie is one of my favorite cheeses… And combined with figs it can’t be beat… What a wonderful meal!


  5. imstillunemployed’s avatar

    ummmm ummmm good!!! Right on the money with this one. Thanks for the post.


  6. softballgirl78’s avatar

    Sounds yummy. Figs and brie…quite the combination with tomato soup, I’ll have to try it!


  7. Albert Tilsey’s avatar

    I love sautee’d steak with onions and tomato sauce. I know I gotta watch my cholesterol but it is so irresistible. Good thing I only indulge in it on special occasions 🙂


  8. psychologist1’s avatar

    sounds delicious but looks not very tasty. i do not know why but the look for this soup does not wake up my appetite.


  9. talesfromtwocities’s avatar

    That looks amazing – sometimes simple foods like that are the best! I love the brie and fig sandwich idea.


  10. Simply Life’s avatar

    Oh it sounds so simple but you’ve really stepped it up a notch from traditional grilled cheese and tomato soup – I’m impressed and wanting that for lunch today! 🙂


  11. pandabox33’s avatar

    It’s 7:52, Monday morning and you’re making me hungry. I love Brie sandwiches…but I usually eat mine in a fresh ciabatta with pesto or basil leaves and nuts or chicken, whatever I have that tempts me. The simpler the better. And your soup looks so good.


  12. Kelly March’s avatar

    perfect pairing for a nice and frosty day in WNY


  13. leeoliphant’s avatar

    We live in a cool coastal climate and tomatoes usually do not do well here. This however, we had great luck with ‘Cherokee’ and ‘Striped German’ heirloom tomatoes. Something for gardeners to try next year!


  14. thefrenchchick’s avatar

    Love this! Heirloom tomatoes are my favorite and fresh tomato soup is wonderful in this weather. Love the brie and fig sammies too. I like your tip on roasting the tomatoes to get the skins off and would like to offer my own tip for you. When you need to handle hot foods, wear a pair of those thick, non-latex gloves. They offer just enough insulation to keep from burning your hands. I actually mark mine “food only” so that they’re never used for cleaning and store them with my baking pans. Thanks for an inspiring post.


  15. prettyproject’s avatar

    OMG I freaking LOVE Brie! 🙂


  16. Sarah’s avatar

    This looks absolutely gorgeous.


  17. Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Oooh – another WINNING recipe with NP bread!!!


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