Product Review: Super Red Drink Powder

A couple of weekends ago, while searching Trader Joe’s vitamin area, I stumbled across a container of Super Red Drink Power dietary supplement. Looking for new ways to stay strong and healthy during this winter flu season and my many upcoming trips, I bought it and tried it as soon as I got home. Super Red Drink Power is rockin full of antioxidant blends that include raspberry extract, blackberry extract, goji, acai, and non-alcoholic red wine extract to name a few. Each scoop is only 40 calories and offers a ton of Vitamin C, and 4% of your daily value of dietary fiber, in addition to all of those antioxidants, 2000 mg of detox blend, and 2710 mg of enzymes and probiotics like lactobassilus casei. I first tried the powder on its own in a glass of 8 ounces of water. Tipping the glass up to my mouth I prepared myself not to like it, but was extremely surprised when it tasted like cherry juice. . . or dare I say a bit like Cherry Kool Aid. Since then, I have started adding a scoop to my green monster shakes, along with bananas, spinach, vanilla soy milk and pumpkin for a powerful morning or post workout boost. Has it made a huge difference in the way I feel? I can honestly say that these days, outside of work, I am feelin pretty energetic and positive, which I attribute to a variety of things. I don’t recommend any drink powder as a replacement for a healthy fruit and veggie-filled diet, but I definitely like having it around to make sure I cover all of the bases!
super red drink powder
Have you tried this powder yet, or do you have any other supplements that you swear by?

Tags: product review, Trader Joe's

  1. greensandjeans’s avatar

    I will have to look for this on my next TJ’s trip! I’m always looking for something new to toss into my smoothies and to join my fight against the flu!


  2. talesfromtwocities’s avatar

    I saw that at TJs last week- was curious about the green one. Thx for the review, maybe I’ll try it sometime.


  3. Menden @ Skinny Menny’s avatar

    I have the greens powder from TJ’s that I like to add to my smoothies. I also use “Emergen-C” packets in the winter time. I swear they help to keep me from getting sick!


  4. Foodie (Fab and Delicious Food)’s avatar

    Sounds good! Question – does it taste chalky at all or give your drink a weird texture?


  5. Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Need to get me some of that methinks!


  6. theskinnyplate’s avatar

    Sometimes I wonder if there is some hidden Amazing Grass in the vitamin section of TJ’s. It would be awesome if there is.


  7. Caroline’s avatar

    Very interesting. I saw the green one at TJ’s last week and was tempted to buy it but due to the hefty price tag I wanted to be sure it was good. Maybe I’ll give this one a try. I love Amazing Grass so maybe this would work, I think it’s a bit cheaper.


  8. Simply Life’s avatar

    I’ve never tried that and usually just stick with a multivitamin – looks great though!


  9. Jolene (’s avatar

    I haven’t tried that powder yet – but I totally want to! I am going to try and find some in the stores near me!


  10. Tracey @ TropicalHappiness’s avatar

    Wow, I haven’t heard of that… sounds interesting. I like that it has antioxidants too!


  11. Erin’s avatar

    I’ve seen that at TJ’s before too and have been trying to figure out some good supplements! Especially since it’s a) flu season and b) I started eating more vegetarian, I want to make sure I’m covering my bases! Thanks for pointing this out (and why I really need to buy stock in TJs!)


  12. Leah Meskin’s avatar

    I just finished a scoop of the red with milk and it tastes like a fruit milkshake! I passed up the green this time since each are 19.99, but I can’t wait to try it!


  13. waus’s avatar

    I’m using my first canister of the Red Drink Powder and it seems to be an extremely awesome product based on the ingredients list. The texture is barely noticeable and the taste is not necessarily sweet, but, very palatable. Compared to similar products from other companies, the price is actually very reasonable. These ingredients usually result in a product costing between $25-40.


  14. max’s avatar

    It’s an awesome drink powder. i got it in retaliation to all the sickness that’s all around me – trains, office, etc. I mix it in the morning with another fav. of mine from TJ – Hemp protein shake, frozen berries, banana, apple. it’s great. i also mix it with juice and water. super nice. Next is the green powder. Best $20 spent in a long while.


  15. Kathy’s avatar

    I got the green and red yesterday at Trader Joes. tried it last night one scoop of each, and had so much energy I had trouble winding down. So decided it will be an AM thing for me. Made my protein shake with both today and it tasted really “clean” like fruits and veggies from juicer. As far as the cost, yeah, 20 bucks is a little pricey, but I guarantee you if you were to buy all the fruits and veggies and antioxidant supplements, omegas and whatever else is all in there separately, you would spend FAR more than 40 dollars in a month. To your good health!!! Enjoy!!!


  16. Autumn’s avatar

    I just bought both the red and green one last night and took them this morning. I have had a lot of energy all day and usually I am tired all the time. This stuff is amazing and I think it is worth the $20 a piece price tag


  17. Brian’s avatar

    So, I have been buying the super green one for the last two months (drink it with a glass of OJ). It could be in my head, but I feel like I get a sruge of energy. Went to the dr last week and told me I need more fruits. Well, the work-out plan I am is all about veggies. So, I just went and purchased the Red Powder and a big jug of Aloe Vera Juice (dr said the sugar from the OJ wasn’t helping)…that said I am a pretty fit guy…5’9, 170, gym 3-4 days a week….tried it today…not the tastiest drink I ever had, but so tolerable. And much cheaper than Whole Foods. I am going to try it for the next month…


  18. Jennifer’s avatar

    Regarding the chalkiness. I bought the green before the red and it was so chalky it made me gag. The red has a very nice taste and seems to disolve better than the green. I usually drink about 1/4 of a water bottle, add a scoop of red mix and fill the rest of the with OJ or apple juice. Makes a really great drink.


  19. Brittany’s avatar

    Bought (and tried) the red last night. Mixed in with 4oz water and 4oz coconut milk. So creamy, blended very well in “blender bottle”, not chalky at all and great taste!!!


  20. Jenny B’s avatar

    I swear by Complete, vanilla and chocolate, which is non-dairy and high in fiber and plant foods. Not available in stores (which, in my opinion, assures that it’s fresh and high quality :-)…but I swear by it, and I have only had one cold in the past three years and it went by quickly.


  21. David Purcella’s avatar

    I’ve been using the red one a few months now. I like the taste it tastes like watered down koolaid. I have noticed a little more energy after I drink it.


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