Healthified Apple Crisp


Apple crisp is a classic fall dish that many of us enjoy. It seems fairly harmless, apples, some oats, maybe a bit of butter, but when I decided to make it on Saturday night, I found that most of the recipes that I had could be improved on health-wise. I started off with a fairly basic recipe from and then made a few changes to make it my own. Apple crisp is my kind of baking. Unlike with a cake, if you leave something out of apple crisp you likely won’t destroy it.

I started with about 4 cups of chopped apples. The recipe said 3 cups, but I know how much apples shrink, and I wanted apples! The recipe called for 1/4 cup of white sugar and 3 TBSP of flour to mix with the 3 cups of apples. I left out the flour altogether, and instead of the white sugar, sprinkled just a bit of brown sugar on to the apples, added a bit more than the 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and grated on a dusting of fresh Grenadine nutmeg. Who needs extra sugar when you have so much flavorful spice? When I was finished with the apples they looked like this:


The recipe called for 1/4 cup of butter, and I halved that to cut the fat a bit. I am not one to shy away from using real butter, but I am sure a vegan substitute could be used as well. The recipe called for 1/2 cup rolled oats, but since I knew this would be part of my breakfast, I threw in a whole cup of Trader Joe’s multi-grain hot cereal, mixed again with some brown sugar, cinnamon, and the 1/8 cup of butter, chopped into teeny pieces.  

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I covered the apples with the oats mixture and popped it in the oven at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes. The recipe said 35 minutes at 375, but I actually like the apples in my apple desserts to have a little bit of bite to them.


The end result was perfect. I really do not think it was missing anything. The apples were soft and flavorful with all of the fall-flavored spices that I added, and the oats were nice and crunchy. Topped with 0% Fage, this was my breakfast Sunday morning and will likely be my dessert tonight. Looking back, I really didn’t follow the recipe at all, but I usually don’t, and I ended up with great results.

Are you a baker or do you prefer to wing it like I do? My husband is an amazing by the recipe cook. And then there’s me. . . 🙂

Tags: apples, baking, Food

  1. cbrazas’s avatar

    Love your blog. I think of recipes as great suggestions.


  2. talesfromtwocities’s avatar

    I wing it – I think exact measurements take the fun out of cooking, it usually works out! 😉


  3. Kelly’s avatar

    Haha, I am the same way, I always try to adapt things. That sounds delicious and I love that it can be your breakfast. I might have to do this!


  4. theskinnyplate’s avatar

    These look great. Love the healthy modifications to make them more health friendly.


  5. Mardi @eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Drooling over her keyboard here….


  6. Lindsay’s avatar

    That looks so good! I love oat topping on apple crisp! I usually look at recipes and then kind of wing it. I don’t remember the last time I followed a recipe without changing something!


  7. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    love your recipe – and the idea of breakfast AND dessert. yes, yes, yes.


  8. Simply Life’s avatar

    Oh wow, that’s a great idea for a healthy recipe! I’m hoping to go apple-picking this weekend so I might just have to try that! Thanks!


  9. Andrea@WellnessNotes’s avatar

    Your apple crisp sounds great! And I love that all your adjustments turned out so well. I am usually very careful when adjusting recipes when baking as I’m not a great baker and don’t really know what I’m doing… But I did make a cobbler the other day that I pretty much just made up, and it turned out great. When I’m cooking I hardly ever follow recipes.


  10. Jessica’s avatar

    OH yum! this sounds great!


  11. Holly’s avatar

    apple crisp is the BESTTTTTTT! i will eat for every and any meal one of these days once i make it!


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