And the winners are. . .

Thanks to everyone who entered my Get Well Stay Well giveaway! Feeling as I do today, I wish I had won! 🙂 But using the random number integer generator (which is really fun to play with if you have nothing to do!) the winners are:


Congratulations! Please send me an email at to let me know where to send your prizes! I hope to have another giveaway very soon.

I had a great morning dog walking in the rain, who knew big bad pit bulls hated rain? Fairly silly seeing an 80 lb dog cowering away from rain drops! After, we ate at Bukhara in Jamaica Plain and paid a visit to City Feed and Supply, a local foodie dream but also verrrry expensive.

Tomorrow we may take a fun road trip which I will likely be tweeting about because I get bored in the car!It is pouring, and I’m in for the night. A nice bubble bath and maybe a hot whiskey to help this throat of mine. How are you spending your Saturday? Enjoy!

  1. VeggieGirl’s avatar

    Congratulations to the winners!


  2. burpexcuzme’s avatar

    Congrats to the winners! I’m sad…I was supposed to have a blogger meet-up, but it didn’t work out at the last minute because the car broke down…:-(


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