Travel by photos

What a lovely Saturday! It’s looking a tiny bit iffy out there, and I guess there is a possibility that we will start getting some of the effects of hurricane Bill today, so I want to get my run in soon. Sleeping in until 7:45 was lovely! My favorite thing about Saturday mornings is having an hour or two to just do what I want. Right now I am having a cuppa and 1/4 of a bagel with jam and Barney Butter. Only 1/4 because I want to run soon but don’t want to be full or famished! A Green Monster and proper brekkie will follow. I have the hardest time working out my meals before running and usually end up too full or starving half way through. Good thing I run past a few stores! I carry money with me just in case I get TOO hangry and need a snack!

This evening we are having dinner with good friends at their house. I think our beach plans are nixed because of all of the weather warnings, but we’ll see. Tonight, in addition to a baguette or other bread, we will be supplying the wine, for dinner a Schiopetto white. I have not tried this since the tasting we bought it at back in June, but we liked it then, and the Marignetti wine distributor could say only good things about it! For dessert, we are bringing a Domaine de Durban Muscat. I think we bought this at the tasting, so opening the wine tonight will be a fun memory of early summer. And my friend is making homemade baklava, so it should be a tasty evening 🙂

There was so much talk about good photos at the summit last week, that I thought I would just share some of my favorite travel memories with you through photos. I have SO many! I’ll be back tonight with a quick and easy summer veggie recipe, so until then, enjoy the photos and the day!





Dawn breaking over Ireland The West of Ireland
The Blue Lagoon Iceland Parque Guell Barcelona
The Marche region of Italy San Benedetto Italy
Brussels Barcelona
Provincetown MA Grenada
Sagrada Familia de Barcelona Icelandic terrain



Don’t forget to enter and also spread the word about the Good Health Natural Products giveaway. Also, I will be going on a mini vacay in a couple of weeks and need 4 or 5 guest posts for some of the time I won’t be able to post. Anything you want to write about, food, travel, fitness, fashion, wine, events, etc.! Send them in!

  1. eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    What a beautiful post! Love the pictures! I would be happy to write a guest post for you – go to my site and click on “email me” to get in touch!!!

    (I have so many “unwritten posts” to go with my many many many travel/food photos!)


  2. Andrea@WellnessNotes’s avatar

    I hope you had a good run… 🙂

    I love the travel photos… Simply beautiful…

    Have a great time with your friends, and Happy Weekend!


  3. eatlivetravelwrite’s avatar

    Great! Where do I get in touch with you?


  4. Lara (Thinspired)’s avatar

    Wow, beautiful photos! I find pre-run breakfasts tricky, too. I think it is different for every person, but for me I finally found eating a carb-dense breakfast (i.e. oats) and then waiting a few hours until my stomach was on the emptier side seemed to work well. Good luck!


  5. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    i’d love to do a guest post – will think of something….


  6. Alison’s avatar

    Great photos!
    It’s always sad when the weather is bad in the summer – seems like such a waste.


  7. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    oh – where to email you the post by the way?


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