My walk to work

Happy weekend! My family is here and we got the weekend started with a great dinner, which I will post about later. This morning was an absolutely picturesque, gorgeous summer morning. It was cool, with bright sunshine and blue skies, and I decided to take some photos of my walk in to work.

The first half of the walk is super ugly. I go down a main road past warehouses and then past Boston Medical Center, a pretty shady area. But then I get into the South End, and all of that is forgotten. This morning I decided to stop at Flour bakery, one of my favorites in all of Boston. I bought a homemade raspberry seltzer and a lemon-ginger scone. Sooo delicious! I have had the seltzer before, but the scone was new to me, and it was amazing. It had many pieces of fresh ginger throughout with a lemony glaze. It was the perfect Friday morning treat.

raspberry seltzer, homemade at Flour

raspberry seltzer, homemade at Flour


Lemon ginger scone

Lemon ginger scone


I love Flour's bags!

I love Flour's bags!

I took my time walking through the South End this morning, taking in all of the sights that I sometimes breeze past in a total rush.

One of the many tree lined streets I walk down

One of the many tree lined streets I walk down


Neighborhood fruit stand

Neighborhood fruit stand


Picco- Pizza and Ice Cream Company

Picco- Pizza and Ice Cream Company

I loooooove Picco. Pizza, ice cream, yes please! They even do beer and ice cream floats, which I have yet to try, but I can bet are delish!

B & G Oyster - A bit of Barbara Lynch's fabulousness

B & G Oyster - A bit of Barbara Lynch's fabulousness

 B & G Oyster is a pretty fancy subterranean oyster bar with a great wine selection and a kickin lobster roll!

Flowers throughout

Flowers throughout

Hancock Building

Hancock Building

The photos above are just a sampling of the fabulous restaurants I pass in the South End every day. It is often difficult to pass by people who have time to sit outside for breakfast and coffee, and on my way home it is often impossible to not stop for a cocktail and an appetizer somewhere! If you get to Boston, the South End is the must visit place for foodies.

I am quite sleepy after running around with my niece all evening, and I am looking forward to a big day tomorrow. I will definitely be posting about tonight’s dinner and all of tomorrow’s fun, so check back in for updates. Have a great Friday night!

  1. MarathonVal’s avatar

    Haha, beer and ice cream float huh? That’s hilarious. As a little kid I used to LOVE root beer floats and would make many versions (Pepsi and chocolate ice cream, etc)

    What a beautiful walk! Do you walk to work even in the wintertime?


  2. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    I keep seeing Cristin at Eat Like Me go to Flour. Is it worth going to when I’m in Boston next week? Where else do you think are good places to go?


  3. Kelly’s avatar

    I LOVE the South End. For some reason I never went there much when I was younger and in college, but recently I have started going to try out those awesome restaurants. It’s such a beautiful area of Boston.


  4. Madison’s avatar

    What a nice walk. I wish I could pass that everyday. That is something about Raleigh that is not my favorite–I wish I could walk to places easier–but it is too spread out and big. However, atleast I am still a student and can walk around campus. 🙂


  5. Andrea@WellnessNotes’s avatar

    It was so fun walking to work with you… 😉 And I loved the breakfast, some of my favorite flavors!

    Enjoy your family this weekend!


  6. Ruby’s avatar

    Thank you so much for that little showcase into your life/walk! It as lovely to see.


  7. Kailey’s avatar

    my mom used to eat there as a college kid all the time. she loved it!! awesome scone 🙂


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