Giveaway winners and a celebration of life

  Good evening everyone. Well we spent 3 hours in line outside the JFK Library, but we made it inside. It was an absolutely gorgeous evening and 100% worth it to wait outside. It was amazing how many different people of all ages, from all walks of life, were there to say thank you to someone who had stood for them at some point. I must admit that I broke down once inside in front of Senator Kennedy’s casket. Though far from perfect, he and his family, born to such privilege, have done work that they did not have to do in communities far from ones they are used to. The perfect weather and waterfront location were inspiring and truly felt like a celebration of life and made me think  about how blessed I have been.




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If you ever get to Boston, a trip to the JFK Library is truly something special, and it is surrounded by really beautiful scenery. It is a little out of town on the red line, but only a few stops, and there are some GREAT restaurants out here. Let me know if you ever decide to go!

Now on to the giveaway winners! Thanks to the kind people at Good Health Natural Products for sending our winners some great samples of their products. The winners (via are:

Erica from



Please email me at with your contact info so that I can forward it to Good Health Natural Products!


It has been a long day so I am going to head out now, but I will be back tomorrow with an overview of the week’s food, especially snacks. Have a great Thursday. . . its almost the weekend and our trip to San Francisco!!! I am happy to take any recommendations for food and wineries as we are still planning our itinerary!

  1. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    I’m so glad you got to go inside and pay your respects despite the wait. It was well worth it though.

    I want to go back to Boston already! I will definitely let you know if I get up there. Maybe I’ll have a job interview or something..but that would require applying for jobs which would also require updating my resume first 🙂

    Have a great trip to SF!!! Looking forward to seeing the snacks of the week!


  2. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    have fun in san fran! one of my fave cities.


  3. Gina’s avatar

    Oh I just LOVE living in the Boston area so much and times like this make me remember why. I’m glad you got to experience all that yesterday. Have fun in san fran!


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