Banoffee pie in the sky

Welcome to my first recipe of the week! Since I started this blog in early summer, I have been cooking at home much less than usual and eating out lots, in true summer fashion. As we move toward fall, I am looking forward to more time at home and more time shopping and coming up with great recipes.

I decided to start with dessert first. Banoffee pie is a delicious treat that I discovered while living in Ireland. Other than when I make it myself, I have only seen it in Ireland and the UK. It is NOT healthy, but it is sweet, creamy, crunchy, and as easy as pie (heh).

You will need:

a box of graham crackers or digestive cookies (if you can find Jacob’s or McVities, then get them!!)

a cup of heavy cream

2 bananas

1 can sweetened condensed milk

How to make banoffee pie

Taking Zesty Cook’s advice with the natural light!


Pie crust:

About 2 cups of graham cracker crumbs, crushed to your liking. Mine was sort of crumbly which we like. To the graham cracker crumbs, I added 3/4 stick of butter, stirred the crumbs so they were all coated, and pressed into the bottom of a pie plate. The crust was a bit more crumbly than I would have liked, so next time I might use more butter and really pulverize the crackers into crumbs.


How to make banoffee pie



This is the most time consuming piece of the entire process. Its very easy, but takes about 90 minutes.

The toffee filling is made by boiling a can of sweetened condensed milk right in the can. I just take a big pot, make sure that the can is covered by a good inch or 2 of water, and boil it. Like any other cooking instance that calls for boiled water, I used our electric tea kettle to boil the water as it is MUCH quicker than boiling on the stove. Our kettle still isn’t as quick as the ones we had in Ireland, but it works.


How to make banoffee pie

yummy, creamy, toffee goodness


Once you have finished boiling the condensed milk, LET IT COOL. Use some tongs or something to take it out of the water and put it somewhere where no one will touch it. The can is extremely hot. You will want to give it an hour at least and then use a can opener to open it up. Be very careful when opening – when I made this last night, I pierced the can and the pressure caused hot toffee to fly all over me. Ouch.



All over the dress and arms


Once cooled, spread a thick layer of the toffee over your crust. Slice 2 bananas and layer the slices on top of the toffee.




Whipped cream: I took a cup of heavy cream and put it in a tupperware container with a good lid, then I jumped up and down for about 8 minutes. It was a great workout, and made some nice, thick whipped topping for the pie. Once the toffee is completely cool, spread a layer of cream on top of the bananas.

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The verdict: this is a very good dessert, but it’s too sweet for me nowadays! I could eat a bite or 2, but that was all I needed. That much was quite satisfying though! The hub loved it, and that’s a good thing 🙂

This is a very easy and unexpected dessert, and it can be altered slightly by leaving the cream off. It is just as delish that way!

I hope my recipe of the week is useful! I am working on a few other things to blog about over the next weeks including Healthy Living A-Z, so be sure to check back.

In other news, I had a BRUTAL run today. Its around 94 degrees out, so instead of my 6 miles plus hills, I only did a 4 mile run home. I had to walk several times because it was hard to breathe and my skin just felt so hot! I recovered when I got home with a packet of chocolate Amazing Grass in cold milk and a handful of Good Health Natural Products avocado oil chips. Nice and salty!

All during my run I thought about quality vs quantity when it comes to running, something I learned a lot about in high school cross country and continue to go by. For example, my 4 mile, somewhat hilly run on a 94 degree day is the same quality as a 6 mile flat run on a cool day. On my run I was thinking of assigning effort points to the factors in my runs, and once I get that together I will post it for anyone who is interested. I know there are many people who only go by time or distance, and that’s great too! But I think this is a time tested way of thinking about running, at least for me.

Finally, today I tried one of my Healthy Living Summit swag bag treats, Peeled dried mango. My intention was to only eat a bit and to savor the bag over the next couple of days. However, these mango pieces were so delicious, chewy, and sweet that I ate the whole thing. I love that these mango pieces had no sugar or anything added. Check out the nutritionals!



I will be working on tomorrow’s post tonight as tomorrow is our three year anniversary! Yes, I will be doing a look back at our wedding, and I can’t wait. Have a good night, and stay cool!

  1. Kirsten Hansen’s avatar

    YUM I’m impressed – might have to try this recipe, thanks for posting.
    Great meeting you at the Summit!!


  2. Shelly’s avatar

    Oddly enough, I have had this exact dessert at a restaurant in rural Mississippi (where I grew up). There is a wonderful lunch only restaurant called “Mammy’s Cupboard” in Natchez, Ms and this is one of the desserts there. It is the only one I ever got b/c it is so good.
    Mammy’s is funny b/c it is a building made to look like the Aunt Jemima syrup lady. So very not PC, but I reiterate, this is rural Mississippi- and Natchez is a really touristy place b/c it has lots of antebellum mansions and we have a pageant in the spring where all the local kids have to dress up in hoop skirts and old fashioned suits and dance for the tourists.
    Anyway, here’s an article on it:
    I think it’s really funny that they serve that dessert there- I had no idea it was British/Irish in origin!


  3. MarathonVal’s avatar

    Don’t beat yourself up – I woudl never have even ventured out in the 94 degree temps I would have skipped my run! You are braver than I 😉 Just be safe and take it slow when it’s that hot!


  4. Andrea@WellnessNotes’s avatar

    What an interesting pie! I had never heard of it. Thanks for sharing! 🙂


  5. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    Banoffee Pie!!! Brings be straight back to my London days….Ahhh!!! I always ate banoffee flavored yogurt too 🙂 I like your quality vs. quantity approach to running. I’m always guilty of thinking in terms of time or distance rather than how hard my body as worked or how difficult the terrain was.


  6. Ruby’s avatar

    I agree with the running – when I get out and it’s hot and humid or I’m having dead legs or whatever, I remind myself that getting through this run will bring extra benefits. Also, only running when the weather is perfect and the conditions great, mean that race day might be a lot tougher than you trained for! Look forward to the point system.


  7. Angharad’s avatar

    Holy goodness! Banoffee Pie!! I don’t think I’ve had this since living at home 🙂
    May have to make….awesome.


  8. insideiamdancing’s avatar

    I just found your blog and HAD to comment- banoffee pie is my all-time favourite food (in the world…oh man, good stuff). Glad to find a fellow apprecciater. I was very excited for a minute when I saw the nutritional stats for the peeled snacks and thought it was for the pie 🙁


  9. Raija’s avatar

    I’m getting ready to enjoy this on Sunday! And I liked reading your update in the first post…its fun to follow your adventures in food :). Oh my god my mouth is watering…

    Your blog is like an online cookbook. So great.


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