Weather Ridiculousness

Thank goodness I am working from home today! It POURED all night long, along with some scary thunderstorms. It was still raining buckets when I woke up this morning, and it looked like it was about 8pm.

My sad plants. Yes, this is daylight in Boston these days.

My sad plants. Yes, this is daylight in Boston these days.

On the bright side, my Amazing Grass Chocolate Superfood arrived by UPS, and we were here to sign for it! LOL- the UPS man looked at the box and said Amaaazing Grass and made a smoking gesture and laughed. Precisely why I don’t want this left on my porch. My hoodie neighbors would no doubt want a piece of it!

This morning’s breakfast was killer, an Amazing Meal smoothie with spinach, banana, blueberries, chocolate soymilk, and Nasoya Silken Creations chocolate tofu. Oh my, this stuff is literally dark chocolate pudding. Delish!

I am back to work now but stay tuned for a post on our visit to Lake Lucerne, Switzerland, and a recipe for a classic Swiss comfort food!

And don’t forget to leave a comment on why YOU need to win the Amazing Grass Chocolate SuperFood giveaway, which ends tomorrow!!! Spread the word 🙂

Tags: amazing grass, chocolate, garden, Green monster, smoothie, switzerland

  1. Malena’s avatar

    I need to win some Amazing Grass Chocolate SuperFood because I work so hard to take care of myself. I truly believe that if one can take care of oneself, he or she can better take care of others and make a difference! 🙂

    And, c’mon.. free Amazing Grass ANYTHING is just awesome! 🙂


  2. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    Does Swiss comfort food involve cheese? Or am I being totally obnoxious and ignorant?


  3. burpexcuzme’s avatar

    a classic Swiss comfort food? Ooooh~ I can’t wait!!


  4. Maria’s avatar

    Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog :D.

    Sorry to hear the weather is so crazy over there! Swiss food sounds fabulous–looking forward to it :).

    I just got my Amazing Meal in peach-mango and absolutely love it, but I would love some chocolate action, being the choco-holic that i am (no chocolate Amazing Meal was available!).


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