Newport Part 2

What a great Monday! Thank you all for your comments on my Nigella Lawson cookbook giveaway! I am so new to blogging, and I get really excited reading each and every comment. Plus I have some new cookbooks/restaurants to try because of all of your recommendations ๐Ÿ™‚

I now have my camera and can finish blogging about our day in Newport yesterday. We were still in such great moods today after such a fun day.

After finishing our boating around the harbor, we walked around town a little bit. We discovered a Portugese Festival in Touro Park, and we had a blast listening to some of the traditional singing and watching the dancing.

Portugese Festival dancers

Portugese Festival dancers

Newport is known for its beautiful, historic homes and inns, and they all seem to come complete with gorgeous flowers, especially my summer in New England favorite, hydrangeas. We had ivory and Victorian (pink with green edges) hydrangeas for our wedding flowers, and they are my absolute favorite.

Hydrangeas = summer in New England

Hydrangeas = summer in New England


hydrangeas in Newport

Close up

All of the walking around and fresh air made us hungry! We decided on Benjamin’s, a cute little pub inย  a red house. They had plenty of covered, outdoor seating which meant we could be out in the beautiful fresh air without getting burnt. Awesome!

Benjamin's for lunch

Benjamin’s for lunch

We split a lobster roll with sweet potato fries and a bowl of lobster bisque, along with a pint of Newport Storm amber ale. I tried this beer at the Coastal Wine Trail Kickoff, and I have been a fan ever since. The lobster roll was fantastic, perfectly sweet lobster with just a bit of mayo on a roll. The sweet potato fries. . . sooooo good. I have to say that sweet potato fries might be one of my favorite things ever! The bisque was amazing, creamy but not too rich. I am going to make some lobster bisque in the not too far future.


Too much fudge!

Too much fudge!

After lunch the plan was to get gelato at Cold Fusion, but we were so stuffed that we decided to pass. Instead we bought a little box of fudge for the road: toll house cookie and chocolate marshmallow. Holy sweetness. . . I used to LOVE fudge as a kid, and this was delicious. But it made my teeth feel sort of ick, and a tiny square was more than enough sweet. Still, it was a fun and beachy treat!

After our great meals, we headed back to the car to check on the directions to the wineries. This was definitely my favorite part of the day, and I want to devote a full blog post to it and my general love of local wine tomorrow.

One more giveaway to mention- Ruby’sย Jillian Michaels Making the Cut book giveaway, fabulous!

Tags: cookbook, Food, lobster, Newport

  1. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    AMAZING eats. how i miss lobster!!!


  2. Madison’s avatar

    YUM what is the beach without some sort of fudge! I usually get a sample of chocolate peanut butter. So good and creamy. I like it when fudge is kind of grainy tho–so I can actually taste and feel the sugar crystals. haha, is that weird? Probably.


  3. Kailey’s avatar

    wow those blue flowers are so pretty!
    mmm fudge ๐Ÿ™‚ I haven’t had some in years now that I think about it!


  4. Maria’s avatar

    Oh my those hydrangeas are gorgeous!!! Mmmm I looove sweet potatoes as well. Those sound amazing! And that fudge sounds sinfully good ๐Ÿ™‚ Festivals are so much fun!


  5. leslie’s avatar

    mm, i love lobster! i usually only have it once a year in maine, but rhode island would be a worthy spot too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    i think new england beaches are the ideal summer locale. it looks like your day was wonderful!


  6. MarathonVal’s avatar

    I don’t think I realized you and I started blogging around the same time – good for us! ๐Ÿ™‚ Does it take over your life too? Haha, I am a school social worker so I’m off for the summer, and this is basically my part-time job/entertainment/time filler, but it’s fun so I love it. I am worried though that once work starts again in the fall I won’t have as much time for this!


  7. Ruby’s avatar

    Thanks for the shout-out! Wow what a wonderful day, so beautiful! I miss pub lunches… I could visit England JUST for the pubs. I must try sweet potato fries – everyone really seems to love them so!


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