Lazy Saturday Night + Giveaway alert

As planned, it is going to be a lovely, lazy Saturday night at home. I never ended up doing yoga because we decided to start painting the guest room. We chose the color “crepe” by Behr, and it is lookin’ good! I love choosing paint and nail polish colors that have to do with food. How silly is that? Our kitchen is “sweet and sour” and most other rooms are “cafe mocha”.

Anyway, for the hub’s birthday tomorrow we are planning a trip to Newport, RI. I am hoping the trip will include a stop at Cold Fusion GelatoΒ where last summer I tried olive oil gelato and chocolate curry gelato. Both were soooo creamy and airy and delicious.

Before I head off for the night, I wanted to remind everyone that Marathon Val is having a Holey Donuts giveaway through Wednesday. Yum!! πŸ™‚

AND I will be doing another giveaway. . . want to know what it is?


Food goddess

Food goddess

I love Nigella, and I LOVE this book. I think she is just gorgeous, funny, makes great food, and is just an awesome woman who isn’t afraid to eat amazingly indulgent foods.

The actual contest will not start until tomorrow at 7PM eastern time, and I will announce the winner next Sunday (the 19th) at 7PM eastern time.

How do you enter?

1) Link back to my blog in one of your posts this week.

2) Leave a comment and let me know who your favorite celebrity chef is. Doesn’t have to be on tv, it could be a local celeb too. It will be a food education for all of us!

Nigella Lawson is obviously one of my favorites, and I also love watching Giada Delaurentis and Guy Fieri on Food Network. Locally, I love Joanne Chang, Barbara Lynch, Will Gilson, and Ken Oringer, among others. Boston just has so many to choose from!

Have a good night, and I will be back tomorrow evening, hopefully after a day of adventure!

Tags: cookbook, Food, gelato, giveaway

  1. MarathonVal’s avatar

    Hey there, thanks for the shout out! I am in the process of composing my next blog entry and I’ve already included a link to yours in it πŸ˜‰

    I love Tyler Florence – he is a cutie of course, plus I saw him do a chef demo once which was fun – I also love Giada…. she is an awesome chef, plus HOW can the woman eat so much Nutella and not gain an ounce?!?

    (Also…. I was wondering what color sweet and sour is??? Orange or yellowish I am guessing?)

    I am lovin the “Lazy Saturday Night” title – have you seen the SNL skit Chronicles of Narnia? That’s what it reminds me of… it’s a good one, check it out! πŸ˜‰


  2. Ruby’s avatar

    Ohhh I LOVE Nigella! Oh gosh did you see her Christmas series! I think I gained 50 lbs just watching the show, it was sooo good! I made the PB treats from that series…divine! I am so in. Will link back later this week πŸ™‚

    Fav celebrity chef: hmmmm I think I enjoy watching Nigella and Jamie the most. They’re both laid-back and have really well put together shows. But my fav cookbook writer is Isa Chandra Moskowitz.

    I love getting stuff like that done around the house, it’s so satisfying!


  3. Shelly’s avatar

    My favorite celebrity Chef is John Besh. He’s huge in New Orleans and has been on some cooking network shows as well. I love both of his restaurants that I’ve gone to- Restaurant August and Luke.


  4. Maria’s avatar

    Yay I love Giada Delaurentis too πŸ˜€ Not a lot of people like her the best, but she’s my favorite celebrity chef. However, I like Nigella as well. She’s not on Food Network as often, but she has a lovely personality and makes great eats.

    Thanks for this fab giveaway!!!


  5. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    Yay! I love Nigella! I’ve had a love/hate relationship with Rachel Ray since the beginning of her 30 minute meals (back in her Maxim or Stuff or whatever mens magazine she posed for). I guess since I watch all her shows she would be my fave, even though I understand why people find her annoying.

    Will link back to this post later on – and I’ve got a giveaway too if you haven’t entered yet! Would love it if you mentioned it on your blog too:


  6. Lara (Thinspired)’s avatar

    What a great giveaway! I love Nigella but I don’ have any of her books, so this would be awesome! I will link back on my next post πŸ™‚ I think my fav celeb chefs are Giada and Ching-He Huang.


  7. burpexcuzme’s avatar

    olive oil gelato and chocolate curry gelato? Freaking cool! I love gelato but obviously have not had the pleasure of trying that dish yet!
    Oh and my fav celeb chef: Gordon Ramsay, Giada, Nigella, Paula Deen, Emeril, Bobby Flay…LOVE them.
    Oh and I’m linking to you right now! πŸ™‚


  8. Kristen’s avatar

    I would love to win this cookbook! My favorite chef is Ellie Krieger I love her food and her perspective on health. Great giveaway!


  9. Emily’s avatar

    My favorite celeb chef would have to be….Bobby Flay! Such a comanding presence, knowledge of food and nice looking! πŸ˜€


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      I know people love to hate her, but she is so talented!


    2. brandi’s avatar

      Barefoot Contessa is my all time favorite, but I love Bobby Flay, too πŸ™‚


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Mollie Katzen is a total, GREAT classic!


      2. Holly (The Healthy Everythingtarian)’s avatar

        barefoot contessa (aka ms. ina garten herself) is totes my fave – she is just one classy lady. what can i say?


        1. traveleatlove’s avatar

          I love Barefoot Contessa, and I want her house! You definitely don’t need a blog to enter. Thanks for posting πŸ™‚


        2. Meg’s avatar

          My favourite celeb chef has to be Martha Stewart. I’m not sure if she even went to chef school, but the woman can cook and bake and man are her recipes delish!


        3. leslie’s avatar

          those gelato flavors sound so unique and delicious! i need to get myself to newport!

          favorite celebrity chef – mollie katzen. a classic!


        4. Gabrielle’s avatar

          I do not have a blog and would still love to enter your giveaway. I also love Nigella. But my favorite chefs have to be Giada Delaurentis and Ina Garten from Barefoot Contessa! Delicious!


        5. Johanna B’s avatar

          I have a thing for Alton Brown. I love Good Eats! It would be fun to win this cookbook. I have Nigella’s How to Eat and I enjoy looking through it for good things to eat.


        6. Alice’s avatar

          There are so many chefs I love! I can say though that I have 2 cookbooks both from Ina Garten and Giada. I have always wanted a Nigella cookbook but never go the chance to buy them just yet. I also love Tyler Florence, Tom Douglas, Alton Brown- oh there are just too many to name. I linked you at the bottom of my most current post. You are my first “Foodie Blogroll Spotlight” since I just became a member and I thought your blog title was fitting to my post=)


        7. Adorably Dead’s avatar

          Favorite chef? Two words for this nerd, Alton Brown!! He’s like Bill Nye only with food. And he’s funny….well maybe he’s like Beakman actually. Whatever, he’s awesome!


        8. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

          My favorite celeb chef is Giada Delaurentis…she is just so cute on her show.


        9. Smita’s avatar

          I love Julia Child’s show. We got that on PBS sometime ago. Her enthusiasm for cooking was very palpable. She had interesting guests on her show and was really curious about their food


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