It's a sunshine day!

Wow, is it gorgeous out! Do you guys remember that “It’s a sunshine day” song from The Brady Bunch? I used to watch that show alllll the time.

I hope that you all had a good day. Mine was not too bad at all! Started it out with a very filling smoothie complete with Nasoya Chocolate Silken Creations, chocolate soy milk, spinach, Chocolate SuperFood, and a half cup of pumpkin. It was rich, smooth, and delicious, but I could only finish 3/4. I plan on freezing the rest and eating it like ice cream a bit later tonight. Yum!

My run home was a-mazing! I stretched after about a mile and it made all the difference in the way my knees and ankles felt. There are times when I feel like I am in great shape cardiovascularly but my legs just ache. I loved how warm and sunny it was out. It feels good to sweat!

Supah fast

Supah fast

On the way home, I stopped at the Newmarket Produce stand near my houseย and went a little crazy:

Summer bounty

Summer bounty

I was craving cherries the entire run, so I bought some more. I crave the strangest things when running, today it was fruit, but sometimes its skim milk. Weird, huh? Do you guys crave anything while running? The funny thing is when I actually finish, I usually can’t eat anything.

I am off to do some strength training, then to make some Dr. Praeger’s veggie burgers and salad topped with a little bit of this:

Homemade hummus

Homemade hummus


I LOVE making my own hummus and white bean dips. Eaten hot or cold, they are delicious with veggies, bread, and even alone! My recipe:

2 cups of dried chickpeas, soaked overnight and simmered on low for about 30 minutes in a pot with the soaking water + 3-4 cloves of garlic, fresh ground black pepper, and crushed red pepper

3 cloves of raw garlic

2 tablespoons of olive oil

1/3 cup water

I cook some of the garlic to take some of the bite out of it, but also include a few cloves of raw because I love a garlicky kick! I just blend this all together until super smooth in my Cuisinart. If I have it on hand, I throw in a few drops of sesame oil as well.

Ok, that is enough for now. I hope you all have a good evening. With The Bachelorette and Weeds, it is a super fun tv night for me! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tags: amazing grass, hummus, running, Vegetarian

  1. Kailey’s avatar

    i have never made my own hummus but heard it taste the best when its homemade ๐Ÿ˜€


  2. burpexcuzme’s avatar

    oh, no tahini needed? Yay! That hummus sounds like something I could make with the ingredients I already have! thank you >.<


  3. healthy ashley’s avatar

    I do remember that song!!! Thanks for bringing me back ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love the fresh produce and homemade hummus!


  4. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    Everybody’s smilin! Sunshine Daaaaay!!!


  5. Kasondra’s avatar

    i just wanted to say hi as a fellow blogger. i wanted to thank you for your blog. I’m trying to network in the blogging community. Please check out my blog sometime and feel free to ad me to your blogroll!! : ) have a memorable day!


  6. MarathonVal’s avatar

    That’s funny as I have been craving hummus all day, and just planning the next homemade hummus recipe I plan to make! I make mine similar to yours but love to throw in some lemon juice, I think it gives it an awesome fresh flavor!


  7. Ruby’s avatar

    Oh yeah, making your own hummus is just soooo much better than store bought! It’s so personal if you like a little more garlic or a little more lemon or orange juice, some herbs & spices or none at all, etc. And so much cheaper! I don’t really crave anything on my runs, unless I start to actually get hungry (which happened the other day) and then all I can think about is asking a random stranger if they have any food, ANY food at all. Haha. Although I do sometimes get a craving for chocolate soy milk.

    As for the sore legs – does that always happen? It might be worth looking at some different running shoes – you can tell a specialist shop your specific problem areas and they can check out your gait etc.


  8. Madison’s avatar

    I really need to try these silken creations. I am seeing them on lots of blogs! I feel like people are putting them in everything. haha. I am going to the store later today to pick some up–I am planning on baking some blondies. YUM


  9. leslie’s avatar

    that hummus – omg, i need a spoon! it looks so delicious.


  10. Maria’s avatar

    Haha, I used to watch the show all the time too, but I sadly do not remember that song! Mmmm love homemade hummus! Yours looks extra creamy and good ๐Ÿ˜€


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