Happy 4th Everyone!

Happy 4th of July! It is  only 6:30, but we have had a jam-packed day. It started out with an awesome Green Monster: spinach, chocolate soy milk, Amazing Grass Chocolate SuperFood, black cherries, and ice.

Then, I decided to go to the MSPCA to walk some more dogs:

Beautiful Siberian husky

Beautiful Siberian husky

After that we walked the 4 miles or so to the Boston waterfront. It is a GORGEOUS sunny day here in Boston!

Part of my running route

Part of my running route


Pretty city

Pretty city


Queen Mary 2

Queen Mary 2

We walked alllll the way along the harbor, drank about a gallon of water each, and then made our way to Battery Wharf for lunch at Sensing.

For lunch I ordered the Golden tomato and mango gazpacho, ricotta wasabi raita and a Peak Organic Nut Brown Ale. The hub ordered the lobster roll with fries. . . mmmmm.

My Peak Organic and the hub's Cisco Sankaty Light

My Peak Organic and the hub's Cisco Sankaty Light


Golden tomato gazpacho

Golden tomato gazpacho


Lobster roll

Lobster roll


Sensing's Patio- just gorgeous

Sensing's Patio- just gorgeous


Our meal was light and delicious. The lobster was on an incredible brioche roll, and the seasoned french fries were seriously just what I wanted. The very smooth, chilled gazpacho tasted like sweet sunshine with a little wasabi dumpling in the middle. Whoever thought of these flavors is just genius. The patio was nearly empty which is unfortunate because it was just gorgeous, tucked away and right on the water. Sensing’s dinner menu looks excellent, and the service was impeccably elegant so I hope to return soon.

I got waaaaay too much sun today. Going without it for so long made me a little silly and I omitted the sunscreen from my day. We are home now, cooking up a TJ’s pizza and chilling a bottle of our Sakonnet Vidal Blanc. I am so glad we did not make any plans for tonight. I sort of felt bad earlier that we decided to spend the day together, skipping the traditional bbq’s and fireworks that I felt like I “had” to go to. Now, I am tired and sunburned and happy to be home with my hub. Family bbq tomorrow and getting back into the work swing of things, so for tonight, I will be curling up with the a/c on and relaxing big time! Have a safe and fantastic fourth all!

Boston Harbor Hotel

Boston Harbor Hotel

Tags: Boston, Dining out, Food, gazpacho, harbor, lobster, New England, organic beer, running route, walking, weekend

  1. burpexcuzme’s avatar

    Have a nice relaxing night! And wow…I’ve only been to Boston once, but I had no idea it was SO beautiful! and what a lobster roll! Wowee!


  2. Tasty Health Food’s avatar

    Looks like a great 4th of July! I’m going to a fireworks show in a couple hours. 🙂 There’s going to be corn on the cob. Lots of it. Lots. I’m pretty excited.


  3. Madison’s avatar

    I know how you feel about getting wayyyy to much sun. The outside of my butt cheeks are burnt…I must of had a wedgie when I was laying on my stomach. You would of thought my friends would tell me?!?! haha Oh well, hopefully it will turn into a tan ASAP!


  4. MarathonVal’s avatar

    I’ve always wanted to go to Boston – so now I’m showing my husband those pix from your walk to try to convince me to take me there! 🙂 Glad you had a great weekend!


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