Giveaway winner!

Happy Monday! After choosing the old fashioned way (slips of paper with blog names/email addresses in a bowl!) I am happy to announce that the winner of the Nigella Express cookbook is:

That says "The Whole Plate" in case you can't tell!

That says "The Whole Plate" in case you can't tell!

Congrats Leslie! Please send me an email to let me know where I should have the book mailed.

Thanks to ALL of you for entering. When things settle down at work for me, I am going to make a list of all of the celeb chefs you mentioned and will post it for anyone who is interested in exploring some new restaurants/books.

One amazing, famous, classic culinary inspiration that wasn’t mentioned is Lidia Bastianich of Lidia’s Italy. I LOVE her show on Public Television. Her food always looks so good, so when I recently had the opportunity to eat at one of her restaurants in New York, I was psyched!

We had an 8:00 reservation at Becco, and because we had quite  large group, we arrived a little late. Becco is adorable and really reminded me of trattorias in Italy, with the warm, inviting smells and bustling, lively atmosphere.

We were seated at a long table near the back of the downstairs room, and our servers came over immediately to ask if we wanted to water. We ordered both still and sparkling, and I was happy to see that the sparkling was San Benedetto, one of my favorite mineral waters (I know, its just water, but I find great pleasure in a nice bubbly water).

The first thing I noticed was how great the service was. We had several servers assigned to us to fill our water, and I didn’t have an empty glass the entire night. We also ordered wine. Remarkably, they have a pretty extensive wine list of $25 bottles. We ordered a few bottles, and I had a glass of the medium bodied red:

 Morellino di Scansano(Toscana) I Perazzi 2006, La Mozza

I sipped on my glass throughout the evening. It was delicious, but it had been a loooong work day, and red wine tends to make me sleepy!

I decided to skip an appetizer or salad and went straight to my entree. The couple next to me had steaming bowls of seafood in red sauce, so I asked what they were having and ordered it. The dish turned out to be:

Zuppa di Pesce Misto $26

This was an absolutely delicious mix of seafood, perfectly soft, silky, and fluffy polenta, and a tomato and lobster broth. The scallops were huge, tender, and sweet. The shrimp were grilled to perfection, and the white fish tasted so fresh! This dish was definitely what I wanted. I was only able to eat about half, and I was bummed that the hotel didn’t have a fridge because this would have made a great lunch!

We had a few birthdays in the group, so the restaurant staff brought out a couple plates of tiramisu. I of course had to have a bite, and it was creamy heavenly goodness! I am hoping to go on a foodie trip to NYC soon, and Becco will def be on the list, along with Babbo and Le Bernardin. Can’t wait to have the time to do this!

Sorry I didn’t have any photos; its tough with a group of colleagues. No one knows about my blog, and for some reason I am keeping it that way until I beef it up a bit. Only the hub and my mom know 🙂

Do you tell your friends/family about your blogging?

I hope you all have a great night! I have a few fun product reviews this week. Please don’t forget to shoot me a guest post if you would like. I would love to hear from you!

Tags: Becco, Lidia Bastianich

  1. leslie’s avatar

    yay! i’m so excited!

    i went to becco a few years ago and remember loving the atmosphere – sounds like a great meal!


  2. MarathonVal’s avatar

    That’s funny only your husband and mom know about the blog. Feel free to share it with all your friends and family because I think yours looks great and I love reading it!!!! (I am disappointed with my template and am working on it, blogger sucks I wish I had wordpress, I’m jealous of your layout!)


  3. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    I told my family and some friends. I’m still on the fence about telling EVERYONE I KNOW. I’m not sure they would really get it, hehe.


  4. runjess’s avatar

    Oooh your blog is fun.

    I tell some of my family and friends about my blog and they really like it. I definitely don’t tell my coworkers.


  5. Kelly’s avatar

    It took me a long time to tell people about my blog, but I ended up posting it on facebook and now my family, friends and coworkers know. Everyone is really supportive. I’m sure some people think I am a big loser, but they keep that opinion to themselves 🙂


  6. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    my family knows, some of my friends know (since i’m always snapping pix) but i haven’t let “the world” know yet….i kinda want to keep my acting life separate, though a few of my fans have found the blog already so who knows….


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