Ciao Italia

The view from their terrace

The view from their terrace

Ciao everyone! I am soooo happy its almost the weekend even though it will be a busy one. We are traveling to NJ for my niece/goddaughter Isabella’s second birthday. That means lots of fun bbq food and time with family, but it also means I won’t get anything done at home, and there is lots to do!

Today’s post is a mini vacation for the mind. It has NOT been a great day at all, and I spent a bit of time daydreaming about Italy! I am lucky to have married into an international family. I have a brother in law, sister in law, and 2 adorable nephews who live near Ascoli Piceno in Italy’s Marche region, and visiting them is quite the treat. They are actually coming to visit for the whole month of August, and I look forward to cooking and shopping with my lovely sister in law. She has such style!

Our Italy family lives in a tiny village in a beautiful home at the top of a hill. Their entire front property is covered with terraced gardens growing everything from olives to artichokes.


Artichokes- soon to be eaten

Artichokes- soon to be eaten




Italy 4


Grapes to the left Olives to the right

Grapes to the left Olives to the right

My sister in law’s family makes wine for their own personal use. They also grow loads of olives to brine and to make olive oil from. They have a massive cold storage room where they have jars after jars of tomatoes, meat hanging from the ceiling, wine, olive oil, etc. It is like your dream gourmet store at home.

Wine tasting near Ascoli

Wine tasting near Ascoli

The food is always incredible, each and every meal: morning espresso with cookies (!), lunch was either homemade pasta and sauce or a caprese salad with  sparkling water and espresso, and dinner a variety of deliciousness including pounded out chicken cutlets, lightly, perfectly friend in breadcrumbs and spices and Ascoli’s famous Olives all’Ascolana. I don’t eat much meat, and I never eat red meat or pork unless I am traveling and it is a local specialty. Thus, I ate many many of these delicious stuffed olives, fried and served hot, drizzled in fresh lemon juice. Wine, of course is also a big part of the meal. The last time we visited Italy, we arrived on a day where the vineyards in their valley were all having open days. We only made it to one, Fillipo Panichi, but touring the facility and tasting the wine while my brother in law translated for us was so much fun!

Our family lives very close to the resort town of San Benedetto del Tronto which is gorgeous and tons of fun with outdoor cafes and a great market. I will definitely post some photos of that soon, but for tonight, I need to head off to do some more day job work and pack for the weekend.

I have been thinking about all of the blog posts that I want to write, but I would love to hear from all of you what YOU like to read about, so let me know.

Buona sera!

Tags: Italy, olives, Travel, wine

  1. angiesappetite’s avatar

    What a beautiful post!! Italy is one of my favorite places I’ve ever visited and I can’t wait to go back. How amazing to have family there. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!


  2. leslie’s avatar

    how wonderful to have family that lives abroad for you to visit! i love these travel posts of yours, but write what makes you happy – it’s your blog! 🙂


  3. MarathonVal’s avatar

    Hi there! Go to the food buzz website and sign up to be a food buzz publisher – it is kind of a slow process, it takes a few weeks, and then they send you the icon thingy. That’s the short summarized version – I’m not very tech-savvy but let me know if you have any other questions about this 🙂

    Have fun in NJ!


  4. Ruby’s avatar

    Oh wow what a gorgeous trip! Hmm I like to read about:
    1. Clever home made meal/snack ideas
    2. Work outs – nice and detailed descriptions, haha
    3. Humor-full rants, silly things that happened to someone, etc.
    4. The odd video of the blogger – it’s really nice to see someone “for real”.


    1. traveleatlove’s avatar

      Thank you! I really want to go back to Italy soon. I also want to go everywhere else in the world which makes planning holidays quite stressful! 🙂


    2. Paige from’s avatar

      Oh wow, this is just gorgeous! Thank you for sharing 🙂


    3. Madison’s avatar

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment about helping me out with fundraising for my dad. I will definitely keep you posted! Thank you thank you thank you!

      I really love the direction you are going in with your blog as we speak. I feel like your posts are personal and informative at the same time. I feel like you are my neighbor and I know you–haha–I wish we were neighbors!!! That would be fun.

      Anyway, I would just say keep it up with all your fun adventures, cool recipes. You are awesome!


      1. traveleatlove’s avatar

        Thanks! I am still trying to figure this whole blog thing out 🙂


      2. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

        how beautiful!!! i love italy – went to tuscany and rome with my hubby’s family a long time ago and have never eaten better….

        i would say to just keep on writing about whatever you want – it’s YOUR blog – and we’ll keep reading!


      3. Kailey’s avatar

        wow! all of those pictures are stunning!! I am dying to go to Italy! Hope your having fun 😀


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