Big Day!

Hello hello! Today is a pretty big day for me. We finally launched the corporate website I have been working on for months!! It still has some bugs and needs some fine tuning, but it is out there, and my workload will lighten up a bit for awhile. Hooray! We are going to celebrate next week at the round of meetings we have, but our boss gave us bottles of Veuve Clicquot, which I thought was super nice. Yum, I really love this champagne and don’t often get a chance to drink it. I am excited to celebrate and relax a little bit over the weekend.

I have a couple of new products that I am pretty excited about and wanted to share. I am a big time snacker, and anytime I find a really good snack that fills me up, I get excited!

Pure Brownie Bar

Pure Brownie Bar

Β This Pure chocolate brownie bar was the emergency snack that I was carrying around in my bag for quite some time. I need emergency snacks because my blood sugar often drops REALLY quickly, and I need to eat something pronto. I don’t like many bars, but they are the handiest thing to keep for a long time. This one was delicious! Chewy, super moist, chocolately, and with crunchy, buttery walnuts, this bar filled me up while tasting like a great, not to sweet dessert. They are pricey at over $2 each, but I have replaced my emergency snack and am now tempted to eat it in a non emergency πŸ™‚

Here’s what the Pure website says about the chocolate brownie bar:

“Our Chocolate Brownie Bar is made with fair trade organic, virgin cocoa meeting the highest quality standards on the market. We combine this with California Deglet Noor dates which provide fiber, potassium, and magnesium – nutrients that respectively, can help stabilize blood sugar, maintain healthy blood pressure, and build strong bones!”

The other new product I tried was Rachel’s Wickedly Delicious roasted red pepper cottage cheese.Β  This was part of my lunch today, and because I was eating in the kitchen with co-workers, I decided it would be camera shy πŸ™‚

For some reason, even though I like cottage cheese, I don’t eat it often and I am always a bit wary when I open it up. This was really delicious, rich and fresh tasting. It filled me up pretty quickly, and according to Rachel’s site, it has some pretty great nutritionals:

28% of the recommended daily value of protein
20% of recommended daily value of calcium
just 110 calories

Now, I could probably just buy a jar of roasted red peppers and a container of cottage cheese and combine, but these are neatly packaged and great for people who are on the run and who may have to eat lunch on the subway or in their car or even walking. Yes, I have eaten yogurt walking to meetings through downtown Boston. I am a girl who can’t skip a meal!

I am looking forward to trying more of Rachel’s delicious products, especially the yogurts that come in all sorts of cool flavors like peach green tea and plum honey lavender.

I am off to do some yoga after another great run in the rain (but seriously, what is with this weather???) and to have pizza and beer with the hub. Tomorrow night we are hoping to eat at Neptune Oyster here in Boston and then go to an Irish bar to hear some traditional music. The hub and I are missing Ireland lately!

What are your weekend plans? I hope lots of fun, and don’t forget if you want to guest post while I am out meeting next week, submit to me by email before Wednesday morning.

Β Also, just a reminder that I am going to the Healthy Living Summit and would love to meet any of you who will be there!

  1. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    I’ll be there! Can’t wait to meet you–in person!!

    I can’t carry emergency snacks because I always eat them in non-emergency situations! My emergency snack has to be something like popcorn that I have to pop before I can enjoy πŸ™‚

    Have a good night!


  2. MarathonVal’s avatar

    I’d be happy to be a guest posting if you are still interested – anything in particular?

    And congrats on the website debut!! πŸ™‚


  3. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    i have a PURE bar in my bag right now, just in case i get hungry at acting class later. i’ve never had it either and am excited to try it!!!


  4. burpexcuzme’s avatar

    I’m so jealous you get to go to the Healthy Living Summit! I can’t wait to hear all about it!
    green tea yogurt? I’ve gotta try that!


  5. leslie’s avatar

    i always have an emergency snack on me too. i cannot skip meals!

    i’ll be at the healthy living summit! so excited to meet you there!


  6. Madison’s avatar

    Congrats on the work updates! I know you have been working hard!!!! That was nice of your boss to give you that. πŸ™‚


  7. Ruby’s avatar

    Yay for getting big jobs done! Hope the yoga was good πŸ™‚ We’re celebrating hubby’s b-day this weekend, so good times ahead!


  8. Kailey’s avatar

    I just love how those Pure Bars actually taste like a warmed brownie. Love ’em.


  9. Lara (Thinspired)’s avatar

    I love Rachel’s products! Haven’t tried the cottage cheese but the yogurt is delicious and creamy.
    Congrats on the site…Veuve Clicquot is such a treat!


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