And the winner is. . .

Hi everyone! What a gorgeous day! I started the morning off with an awesome workout, running laps around the MSPCA property with some homeless doggies. Soooooo much fun!!! Then we went to pick up our wine at Bin Ends, had lunch at Chipotle (meh) and went for a hill workout. I will have to take a photo of my running route along the beaches in South Boston because its beautiful. And my hill repeats are killah! Overall my workout consisted of 3.5 miles of running, including 3 hill repeats on some verrrryyyyy long and steep hills. I came home to this:

Relaxing on a box of cereal

Relaxing on a box of cereal

Anyway, I am just popping in for a quick post to announce the winner of the Amazing Grass Chocolate SuperFood giveaway:

burpexcuzme from 

Congrats! Please shoot me an email to let me know where you would like your SuperFood sent!

I would love to do a bunch more giveaways in the future.

What types of giveaways do you all like?

I am off to enjoy some good weather, maybe a beer out on the deck, and with the weather nice I FINALLY get to wear these:

Yep, $39.99. Love em!

Yep, $39.99. Love em!

Stay tuned this weekend for a dinner in a box review and some holiday weekend fun 🙂

  1. Lynn (The Actors Diet)’s avatar

    Are those from DSW? I think I recognize the sticker…


  2. burpexcuzme’s avatar

    YAAAY! I can’t believe it! WOWEE!!! I’m spinning around the room! THANK YOU!


  3. vegetariandisciplinarian’s avatar

    NO WAY! I live about 20 minutes from Luzern! It’s really just so beautiful there, I’m glad you had the opportunity to see it.


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