A blog award for me?

I was super excited this morning to hear that my fellow Bostonian, She Wears a Red Sox Cap has awarded me with a Lovely Blog Award! How cool! Kelly just did her first triathalon, something I have dreamt and thought about doing, and I think she is pretty awesome for doing that. Check out her blog if you get a chance!

Now I get to pass the award on:

She Wears a Red Sox Cap

The Actor’s Diet

Green Dog Wine

Marathon Val

The Whole Plate

Hearts Whole Foods

Live Laugh Eat

Completely Delicious


Burp and Slurp

Healthy Madison

Healthy Ashley

Peanut Butter Swirl

The Healthy Everythingtarian

An Apple a Day

These are just a few of the lovely ladies that I try to read as much as I can for their excellent writing, recipes, fitness ideas, photos, and more.

  1. MarathonVal’s avatar

    Aww thanks for the sweet shout-out! I love to keep up with yours as well – thank goodness for Google Reader 🙂


  2. biz319’s avatar

    Congrats on the award! 😀


  3. Madison’s avatar

    YAYAYAYAYAYAY! This is my first blog award too! Thank you so much! I just screamed at my sister to tell her I got my first blog award. 🙂 You absolutely made my night, my day, my week!


  4. Allie (Live Laugh Eat)’s avatar

    Thank you for the award! I must admit I was shocked to see my blog on your list–I had to read through it a couple times 🙂 I’m still getting used to being apart of the community. It’s sure nice to know someone is reading.


  5. Holly (The Healthy Everythingtarian)’s avatar

    oh you are simply too sweet dear – i return all the love back to you! i wasn’t expecting that at all, and you just made my day! thank you – have a wonderful tuesday!


  6. Lara (Thinspired)’s avatar

    Thank so much for thinking of me! That is so sweet! Congrats to you for this!


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