June is Adopt a Cat Month

Good morning everyone. I am just about to head off for a busy day, including my weekly volunteer shift at the MSPCA (MA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), one of the great loves of my week.  We adopted our 2 cats, Smuckers and Scout, from there almost 5 years ago, and they have become family, and a silly, joyful part of our lives. (Ok, well the hub doesn’t love cats as much as I do, but I know he likes these 2!)

With the economy worsening, shelters are seeing more and more pets surrendered. Also, with it being kitten season, there is a plethora of kittens every week. These guys are absolutely adorable, but there are away too many!

So, long story short, if you were considering getting a pet in the near future, please check out your local shelter or petfinder.com. I promise my blog is going to be about lots of fun stuff, but this was on my mind this morning. smuckers          scout

Have a great day, and I hope to be back later today with a fun local hidden gem review!

  1. Crystal’s avatar

    YAY for adoptions!! I have 3 cats, all adopted. I’m a big advocate on adopting pets instead of buying them from pet stores. I also urge people to get older pets. It always makes me sad when I go into a shelter and all the kittens/puppies are adopted out and the older cats/dogs remain.


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