Eat: Day to day

You may have noticed that all of the meals I have blogged about thus far are restaurant meals. While I LOVE the entire experience of eating out and trying new places, my typical eating day does not always contain rich, amazing meals. I am a veg aholic and have learned loads from the various blogs, cooking magazines, and books I have read.

I don’t plan on blogging all of my meals for now, and think the ladies who do are amazing but way more organized than I am! My eating style is grazing. I get full fast and am starving just as quickly, so having healthy, tasty food on hand is key to the happiness of anyone who has to deal with me! Below I have included a list of staples that I look forward to eating each week:

Green monster smoothie- (thanks Angela from Oh She Glows!)

Mine vary, but they tend to include silken tofu, collard greens that have been quickly steamed and cooled, baby spinach, half a banana, frozen pineapple or blueberries, water, and ground flaxseed.

Homemade muesli

A delightful mix of oats and grains (from Trader Joe’s) soaked overnight in soy, almond or regular milk, then mixed with TJ’s 0% fat Greek style yogurt, a few drops of blue agave nectar (TJ’s again!) and topped with chopped fresh fruit and toasted almonds.

Bean and veggie dishes

The easiest and best meals for the hubby and I are ones that we can make lots of and freeze or eat for lunch later in the week. This could mean a curry, chock full of broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, beans, and pineapple or my super easy kitchen sink veggie chili. I rarely follow a recipe completely, and the cookbook reading that I do is often just to get concepts that I can tweak. This makes me a horrendous baker, but fortunately we have some great local bakeries!

Snacks: Trader Joe’s fruit leather with fiber, a handful of toasted almonds, TJ’s protein bread with some almond butter, fruits and veggies with hummus or dipped in yogurt, plus the occasional (okay daily) whole grain crackers spread with Nutella

Though I never eat beef and rarely eat pork or chicken, I would not consider myself a vegetarian. I gravitate towards lots of healthy foods and have finally found a great balance between my 10-11 veggies a day and that triple creme brie and glass of wine. 🙂

Tags: Food, Health Food, Trader Joe's

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