A glowing cause

Hi All,

Just a quick note before I head off to bed. Angela from Oh She Glows is trying to raise $3000 for the Canadian Cancer Society by this Sunday, when she runs a 10k. She is SO close, so stop by her page and make a donation if you can.

Buenas noches 🙂

  1. Shelly’s avatar

    Hi! I clicked through from Angela’s blog! I think it is very generous of you to make a donation! 🙂
    Your blog looks very interesting! I love to travel and actually just got back from a trip to the Northeast (Maine) and went to Boston a couple years ago. It’s a lovely city!
    As for Ireland, I am jealous! 🙂


  2. Aimee’s avatar

    I just found your site from Oh She Glows!


  3. clare’s avatar

    Hi! I clicked over from Angela’s blog…I’m looking forward to following yours and reading more 🙂 Have a great night!


  4. Katrina (gluten free gidget)’s avatar

    I just read your offer on Angela’s blog. That is so generous of you! Keep you the good blog work!


  5. Madison’s avatar

    Hi–I have been following your blog for a few weeks now and just wanted to tell you I love what you write about. I learn something every day I read it! 🙂 I am trying to increase traffic to my new blog too–so I feel you on that one.

    Just wanted to say keep on keepin’ on, because you are awesome and inspiring!


  6. Katrina’s avatar

    Stopping by from Oh She Glows. Great donation idea!


  7. Z’s avatar

    I am stopping by from Oh She Glows and will be following you from now on!


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